632 - Manner of payment.

§ 632. Manner  of  payment.  1. The award shall be paid in a lump sum,  except that in the case of death  or  protracted  disability  the  award  shall  provide  for periodic payments to compensate for loss of earnings  or support. No award made pursuant to this article shall be  subject  to  execution  or  attachment  other  than  for  expenses resulting from the  injury which is the basis for the claim.    2. Where a person entitled to receive an award is a person  under  the  age  of  eighteen years, an incompetent, or a conservatee, the award may  be paid to a relative, guardian, committee, conservator, or attorney  of  such  person  on  behalf  of and for the benefit of such person. In such  case the payee shall be required to file a periodic  accounting  of  the  award  with the office and to take such other action as the office shall  determine is necessary and appropriate for the  benefit  of  the  person  under the age of eighteen years, incompetent or conservatee.