580 - Emergency services council.

§  580.  Emergency  services  council.  1. Creation; members. There is  hereby created in the department of state an emergency services council,  the members of which shall be  the  directors  of  the  office  of  fire  prevention and control, the bureau of emergency medical services and the  state  emergency  management office, the superintendent of state police,  the commissioner of health, the secretary of state and the  director  of  state operations who shall be the chairperson unless otherwise appointed  by  the  governor.  There shall also be two representatives appointed by  the state emergency medical services council, one of  whom  shall  be  a  representative of volunteer ambulance service and one of whom shall be a  representative  of  proprietary  ambulance  service; two representatives  appointed  by  the  fire  advisory  board,  one  of   which   shall   be  representative  of  volunteer  fire  service  and  one of which shall be  representative  of  paid  fire  service;  one  representative  shall  be  appointed  by  the disaster preparedness commission; one physician shall  be appointed by the state  emergency  medical  advisory  committee;  one  appointment shall be made by the governor; one appointment shall be made  by  the  temporary president of the senate; and one appointment shall be  made by the speaker of the assembly.    2. The role of the council shall be  advisory.  The  purposes  of  the  council  shall  be  to  develop and coordinate state emergency services,  make  recommendations  on  emergency  services  policy,  and   eliminate  unnecessary  duplication  of  effort  in  such  a  way  as to ensure the  provision of efficient and effective  delivery  of  such  services.  The  council  shall  adopt  a mission statement consistent with the intent of  this legislation and which shall  affirm  the  council's  commitment  to  fostering improved communication, coordination and cooperation among law  enforcement,  fire  protection,  emergency medical services and disaster  preparedness agencies.    3. Powers and duties. The members of  the  council  shall  receive  no  compensation  for  their  services  but  shall  be  allowed  actual  and  necessary expenses incurred in the  performance  of  their  duties.  The  council  may  request  and  shall  receive  from  any department, board,  bureau, commission, office,  agency  or  other  instrumentality  of  the  state,  such  facilities,  assistance  and data as it deems necessary or  desirable for the proper execution of its powers and duties. The council  shall meet  at  least  quarterly  and  report  annually  no  later  then  September  thirtieth  of  each  year.  However should the need arise the  council may submit incremental reports as deemed necessary. Such reports  shall be submitted to the  governor,  the  temporary  president  of  the  senate,  the chairperson of the senate finance committee, the speaker of  the assembly, and  the  chairperson  of  the  assembly  ways  and  means  committee.  The council shall have the power to hold public hearings and  solicit testimony on any matter it deems relative to  carrying  out  its  mission.   The   council  shall  have  the  power  to  make  non-binding  recommendations concerning existing  and/or  future  policy,  rules  and  regulations   and   have  the  ability  to  take  up  for  consideration  recommendations submitted by either  public  or  private  entities.  The  council  may have the ability to advise the governor, legislature, state  agencies  and  entities,  and  localities  on  issues  relating  to  and  effecting  the  coordination  and enhancement of emergency response, and  public health and safety. Nothing in this section  shall  be  deemed  to  supersede any established authority, duty and power established by local  law,  state  law or regulation, or otherwise granted to any agency, body  or entity.