4-A - Chief diversity officer.

* §  4-a.  Chief  diversity officer. A chief diversity officer for the  state shall be appointed by the governor and shall receive a  salary  to  be  fixed  by  the governor within the amount appropriated therefor. The  chief diversity officer's responsibilities shall include the following:    1. Advise and assist the governor in formulating policies relating  to  workforce diversity and minority and women's business enterprises;    2.  Work  with  the  director  of the division of minority and women's  business development  to  prepare  an  annual  plan  for  ensuring  full  compliance with article fifteen-a of the executive law by state agencies  and the use of diversity practices by such agencies;    3.  Advise  the  governor  and  the  agencies  regarding  any measures  necessary to ensure full  compliance  with  article  fifteen-a  of  this  chapter and use of diversity practices by state public authorities;    4.  Serve  as  a  member  of the state procurement council established  under section one hundred sixty-one of the state finance law;    5. Serve as the governor's  liaison  with  organizations  representing  minority  and  women-owned  business enterprises and other organizations  related to diversity in the state workforce and in state contracting;    6. Serve as the governor's liaison  to  the  small  business  advisory  council  for  issues  related to the creation of a diverse workforce and  state  procurement  practices  relating  to  minority  and   women-owned  business enterprises;    7.  Review  and  consult  with  the  director  of minority and women's  business  development  regarding  policies  relating  to  minority   and  women-owned  business enterprise contract specialists at state agencies;  and    8. Engage in other actions assigned to him  or  her  by  the  governor  relating  to diversity in hiring or promotion of the state workforce and  in encouraging diversity practices and compliance with article fifteen-a  of this chapter in procurement.    * NB Effective October 13, 2010