357 - Local veterans' service agencies.
§ 357. Local veterans' service agencies. 1. County veterans' service agencies. There shall be established a county veterans' service agency in each county not wholly included within a city, and there shall be a county director of each county veterans' service agency. Any county director hired after the effective date of this statute shall be a veteran as defined in New York state statute. The chairman of the board of supervisors of a county, with the approval of the board of supervisors, shall appoint and may at pleasure remove a county director of the county veterans' service agency for such county. In a county having a county president, a county executive or other chief executive officer, such president or executive officer shall appoint and may at pleasure remove a county director. The county director may be paid such compensation as shall be fixed by the appointing officer and the board of supervisors. The county director shall appoint such assistants and employees as he may deem necessary, other than those, if any, supplied by the state; he may prescribe the duties of those appointed by him and fix their salaries within the appropriations made available for that purpose by the county and may at pleasure remove any such assistants or employees. The county director shall have jurisdiction throughout the territorial limits of the county, including any city therein which does not have a city veterans' service agency, provided that after the establishment of a city veterans' service agency in any such city, the county director shall not have jurisdiction within such city. 2. City veterans' service agency. There may be established a city veterans' service agency in each city; and there shall be a city director of each city veterans' service agency which is established. The mayor of such city, or the city manager in a city of less than one hundred forty thousand population having a city manager, shall appoint and may at pleasure remove the city director. A city director may be paid such compensation as shall be fixed by the mayor or city manager, as the case may be, empowered to appoint the city director, and the governing body of the city. The city director may appoint such deputies, assistants and employees as he may deem necessary other than those, if any, supplied by the state; he may prescribe the duties of those appointed by him and fix their salaries within the appropriations made available for that purpose by the city and may at pleasure remove any such assistant or employee. A city director shall have jurisdiction throughout the territorial limits of the city.