216-C - Holiday compensation.

§  216-c.  Holiday  compensation. 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of  section one hundred thirty-five of the civil service law, members of the  division of state police, other than troopers attending the state police  academy for basic training, the division physician,  assistant  division  physicians,  inspectors, deputy chief inspectors, confidential assistant  to the superintendent, the assistant deputy superintendents,  the  chief  inspector,  the  counsel,  first  assistant counsel, assistant counsels,  deputy  superintendents,  first  deputy  superintendent,  state   police  director  of personnel, assistant director of personnel-state police and  the state police director of scientific laboratory shall effective April  first, nineteen  hundred  eighty-five  for  members  in  the  collective  negotiating   unit   consisting  of  commissioned  and  non-commissioned  officers in the division of state police and effective June  thirteenth,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-five  for  such  other  members receive annual  holiday compensation in an amount to be  computed  for  each  member  by  dividing his annual basic salary by one thousand nine hundred ninety-two  hours  to  obtain an hourly rate of pay and multiplying such hourly rate  by fifty-two and four-tenths hours, adjusted to the  next  higher  whole  dollar  amount.  Such compensation shall be in lieu of any other premium  which may be paid for work on a legal holiday and shall be  included  in  and be a part of the member's annual basic salary and on and after April  first  nineteen  hundred  eighty-five  for  members  in  the  collective  negotiating  unit  consisting  of  commissioned   and   non-commissioned  officers in the division of state police established pursuant to article  fourteen  of  the  civil  service  law and on and after June thirteenth,  nineteen hundred eighty-five for such other members is included  in  the  annual  basic  salary  schedules  applicable to such members pursuant to  this article.    2. In addition to the compensation provided in subdivision one of this  section, members  of  the  collective  negotiating  unit  consisting  of  investigators, senior investigators and investigative specialists in the  division of state police, on the payroll on November first of each year,  shall  receive,  effective  April  first,  two  thousand seven, thirteen  hundred ninety-two dollars. Effective April first, two  thousand  eight,  such  amount shall be increased to fourteen hundred thirty-four dollars.  Effective April first, two thousand nine, such amount shall be increased  to fourteen hundred seventy-seven dollars. Effective  April  first,  two  thousand  ten,  such  amount  shall  be  increased  to  fifteen  hundred  thirty-six dollars. Such payments shall be in addition to, and shall not  be part of, the member's annual basic salary, except for the purpose  of  retirement,  and  shall  be  made in a separate check during the payroll  period which includes December first each year.