209-P - Research development program.

§  209-p. Research development program. 1. There is hereby established  the research development program. The program shall include but need not  be  limited  to:  the  faculty  development  program,  capital  facility  program,   incentive   program,  and  centers  for  advanced  technology  development program.    2. The office shall provide no later than March first, two thousand, a  strategic plan to the governor, the temporary president  of  the  senate  and the speaker of the assembly which shall:    (a)  establish  criteria  for  the  awarding  of  funds made available  through the research development program; all awards shall be made on  a  competitive basis;    (b)  provide a schedule for issuance of requests for proposals for the  research development program awards;    (c) provide a schedule for completion of review of proposals submitted  by institutions of higher education and  research  institutions  to  the  office;    (d)  provide  procedures  for the issuance of awards from the research  development program.    3. The  faculty  development  program  is  hereby  created  to  assist  institutions  of  higher  education  and  research institutions with the  retention and recruitment of research faculty.  Funds  appropriated  for  this program shall be administered by the office pursuant to request for  proposals.  Consideration for the allocation of awards shall be given to  all institutions of higher education and  research  institutions  within  the  state provided such institutions demonstrate to the satisfaction of  the advisory council a specific need for such funds and  the  manner  in  which  such  award for the recruitment and retention of research faculty  would  enhance  the  research  capabilities  and   reputation   of   the  institution.  Criteria for such awards shall include, but not be limited  to, the ability of the faculty member to leverage  and  attract  federal  funds,  venture  capital and private industry funds, and the willingness  of the faculty member to pursue entrepreneurial enterprises resulting in  new business or the expansion of existing business in  New  York  state.  The office shall promulgate rules and regulations to establish:    (a) the duration of grants for faculty awards;    (b)   matching   funds   required   from  the  academic  and  research  institutions;    (c) a schedule for an annual  reduction  of  the  faculty  development  award,  and  a  corresponding  increase  in  the matching funds from the  academic or research institution; and    (d) other rules and regulations deemed necessary by the office for the  administration of this program.    4. (a) The capital facility program shall provide  financing  for  the  design,  acquisition,  construction,  reconstruction,  rehabilitation or  improvement of research and development facilities, including equipment.  Funds appropriated or reappropriated for the capital facility program by  chapter  six  hundred  twenty-four  of  the  laws  of  nineteen  hundred  ninety-nine   shall  be  awarded  to  no  more  than  six  primary  host  institutions.    (b) Criteria for the issuance of awards by the advisory council  shall  include  but  need  not  be  limited  to the following: potential future  growth and economic  impact  within  New  York  state  of  the  proposed  research  to  be  undertaken  at such facilities, available expertise at  such campus in the scientific discipline designated for the  center  for  advanced  technology  and/or  the center's host campus, an evaluation of  the ability of the proposed research to be undertaken at such facilities  to aid existing business and to create new business in New  York  state,and  the  ability of the proposal to leverage and attract federal funds,  venture capital and private industry funds.    (d)  The capital facility program shall also provide financing for the  reconstruction, rehabilitation or  improvement  of  existing  laboratory  facilities.  Funds  available  pursuant  to  this  subdivision  shall be  available  for  research  facilities  at  all  institutions  of   higher  education and research institutions in New York state.    (e)  The office and the city university construction fund may contract  for the construction fund to design,  construct,  acquire,  reconstruct,  rehabilitate  and  improve research and development facilities for those  primary  host  institutions  which  are  senior  colleges  of  the  city  university of New York.    5.  An  incentive  program  is  hereby  created  to provide additional  assistance to technology transfer activities at institutions  of  higher  education  and  research  institutions  in the state of New York for the  purpose of encouraging technology transfer from institutions  of  higher  education    and   research   institutions   to   businesses   and   for  commercialization within New York state.  Funds  appropriated  for  this  program  shall be available for personal service expenses to enhance the  technology  transfer  abilities  of  higher   education   and   research  institutions  to  businesses  within  New  York  state including but not  limited to patent applications, the creation of business  and  marketing  plans, venture capital conferences and non-capital costs associated with  the  development  of  real  property owned by such institution of higher  education or research institution for research and development purposes.  Funds awarded under the incentive program shall not exceed fifty percent  of the cost of the purpose for which such funds shall be applied.    6. A center for advanced technology  development  program  is  created  whereby  funds  shall  be awarded to centers for advanced technology for  the purpose of enhancing and expanding the existing role of  the  center  in  the  area  for  which  it  is designated. Funds appropriated for the  development program shall  be  awarded  to  such  centers  for  advanced  technology.  Criteria for the issuance of awards shall be established by  the office and shall include but need not be  limited  to  the  economic  development  potential  of  the  research  undertaken at such center for  advanced technology, funding  leveraged  from  other  sources  including  private  interests  and  the  federal  government, potential of revenues  accruing to the institution of higher education or research  institution  from  the licensing of the products of research conducted at such center  of advanced technology and the interaction of such center  with  private  industry.