11-1.11 - Limited power of fiduciary to amend trust for certain tax purposes.

§  11-1.11  Limited  power  of  fiduciary to amend trust for certain tax                purposes    (a) Unless  expressly  prohibited  by  the  terms  of  the  instrument  creating  an  express  trust, the terms of the trust instrument shall be  deemed to include the following provision granting  the  trustee,  which  term  as  defined in paragraph (h) of this section may mean the executor  or administrator, a limited power to amend:    "The trustees shall have the limited power to amend the administrative  and other provisions of the trust which have no significant  dispositive  effects  within  the  meaning  of  paragraph  (i)  of this section on an  interest described in such paragraph, by an acknowledged  instrument  in  writing, in order to:    (i)  achieve  a  qualified reformation of a reformable interest into a  qualified interest for purposes of the charitable deduction as permitted  by section 2055(e)(3)  or  2522(c)(4)  of  the  United  States  Internal  Revenue  Code  ("Code")  and  the  regulations  thereto,  or  achieve  a  reformation of a charitable remainder trust permitted by section 664  of  the Code and the regulations thereto;    (ii)  meet  the  requirements  of  a  qualified  domestic  trust for a  surviving spouse who is  not  a  citizen  of  the  United  States  under  sections  2056(d)  and 2056A(a) of the Code and the regulations thereto;  and    (iii) meet the  requirements  of  a  personal  residence  trust  under  section  2702(a)(3)  or  to  meet the definition of a qualified interest  under section 2702(b) of the Code, and the regulations thereto."    (b) (1) No trustee may exercise any power created under paragraph  (a)  of  this  section  with  respect  to  any  trust that is exempt from tax  imposed by the provisions of chapter 13 of the Code or has an  inclusion  ratio,  as  defined  in  section  2642(a)  of  the  Code, of zero if the  exercise of such power would cause such trust to lose  in  whole  or  in  part  its exemption from the tax imposed by the provisions of chapter 13  of the Code or cause such trust to have an inclusion ratio,  as  defined  in section 2642(a) of the Code, of more than zero.    (2)  If  the  creator  of  an  express trust or a beneficiary (whether  current, future or contingent) of income  or  principal  of  an  express  trust  is serving as a trustee of the express trust, the creator or such  beneficiary cannot participate in the exercise of  the  power  to  amend  such express trust pursuant to this section. If two or more trustees are  serving,  the  power to amend such express trust may be exercised by the  trustees who are not so disqualified.    (c) Such amendment shall be embodied in one or  more  writings  signed  and  acknowledged  in  the manner required by the laws of this state for  the recording of a conveyance of real property by the trustee and  filed  in  the  office  of  the clerk of the court having jurisdiction over the  instrument. At least thirty (30) days prior to such  filing,  notice  of  such  amendment, together with a copy of the amendment, shall be sent by  registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or  by  personal  delivery  to  all persons interested in the trust, or to the guardian of  the  property,  committee,  conservator,  adult  guardian,  or  personal  representative  of any such persons under a disability, or to the parent  or person with whom a minor  resides.  Such  notice  shall  include  the  following  statement:  "If you wish to object to the proposed amendment,  you should notify  the  trustee  (executor  or  administrator)  of  your  objections  in  a writing signed and acknowledged by you before a notary  in the manner required by the laws of the state  of  New  York  for  the  recording  of a conveyance of real property. Such written objection must  be  personally  delivered  or  mailed  to  the  trustee   (executor   or  administrator)   by   registered   or  certified  mail,  return  receiptrequested, within thirty (30) days of  the  date  when  the  notice  was  personally  delivered  or  mailed  to  you.  If no such objection to the  proposed amendment is made by any person interested in the  trust,  such  amendment  will  become  effective  upon  its filing in the court having  jurisdiction over the trust." Proof by  affidavit  of  such  mailing  or  delivery  of  the  notice or by signed acknowledgement of receipt by the  person noticed, shall be filed in the office of the clerk of  the  court  where such amendment is filed prior to or simultaneously with the filing  of  such  amendment. If it appears by affidavit that the name or address  of any person interested in the trust is unknown, mailing to such person  of the notice shall not be required.    (d) Such amendment shall be  effective  upon  filing  as  required  by  paragraph  (c)  of  this  section, provided that no written objection to  such amendment, signed and acknowledged in the manner  required  by  the  laws  of the state for the recording of a conveyance of real property by  any person interested in the trust, has  been  received  prior  to  such  filing  by  the  trustee,  by  personal  delivery  or  by  registered or  certified mail, return receipt requested. If no such  written  objection  has  been  received  by  the  trustee  prior to such filing, no judicial  proceeding or consent of any person interested in  the  trust  shall  be  required.    (e) Unless otherwise provided in the amendment, the amendment shall be  deemed  to  have  been effective in the case of a will as of the date of  death of the decedent, and in the case of any other  instrument  on  the  date it became irrevocable.    (f)  The  limited  power  to  amend  granted  by this section shall be  exercised only if acted upon by all of the trustees, except as otherwise  provided by subparagraph (b)(2) of this section.    (g) For  the  purposes  of  this  section,  the  phrase  "all  persons  interested in the trust" shall mean all the persons upon whom service of  process would be required in a proceeding for the judicial settlement of  the  account  of  the trustee, taking into account section three hundred  fifteen of the surrogate's court procedure act.    (h) In any case where the Code requires  that  an  election  or  other  action  be  made  or  taken  by the executor or if no trustee of a trust  under a will has qualified, the term "trustee" as used in  this  section  shall mean the executor or administrator of an estate. In any such case,  the  trustee  shall  comply  with  any  action  taken by the executor or  administrator under this section.    (i) An amendment pursuant to paragraph (a) of this  section  shall  be  conclusively  deemed  to have "no significant dispositive effect" if the  difference between the actuarial value determined as  of  the  effective  date of the amendment    (i)  of  the  interest  reformed  pursuant  to  subparagraph (a)(i) or  (a)(ii) qualifying for the marital  or  charitable  deduction  which  is  involved in a reformation pursuant to subparagraph (a)(i) or (a)(ii); or    (ii)  of  the  interest  retained  by the transferor or any applicable  family member reformed pursuant to subparagraph  (a)(iii)  in  order  to  qualify  as a "personal residence trust" or a "qualified interest" under  section 2702 of the Code;  and the actuarial  value  of  the  respective  interest  prior  to  such  amendment  does  not  exceed five percent of the actuarial value of such  pre-amendment interest.    (j) The term "trust" shall include an arrangement treated as a "trust"  for the purposes of the Code.    (k) The fact that a testamentary trust cannot be revoked,  altered  or  amended  by  reason  of  the testator's death, or that the will or trust  instrument states that the trust is irrevocable and/or cannot be alteredor amended, shall not be deemed to  constitute  an  express  prohibition  within  the  meaning  of  the phrase "unless expressly prohibited by the  terms of the instrument creating an express trust."    (l)  References to sections of the United States Internal Revenue Code  or Code shall refer to the United States Internal Revenue Code  of  1986  as  amended  from  time  to  time,  or  to  corresponding  provisions of  subsequent internal revenue laws, and  regulations  thereto;  and  shall  also refer to corresponding provisions of state law.