11-A-4.14 - Derivatives and options

§ 11-A-4.14 Derivatives and options    (a)  In  this  section,  "derivative"  means  a  contract or financial  instrument or a combination of contracts and financial instruments which  gives a trust the right or obligation to  participate  in  some  or  all  changes  in  the  price  of  a  tangible or intangible asset or group of  assets, or changes in a rate, an index of  prices  or  rates,  or  other  market indicator for an asset or a group of assets.    (b)  To  the extent that a trustee does not account under 11-A-4.3 for  transactions in derivatives, the trustee  shall  allocate  to  principal  receipts   from   and   disbursements  made  in  connection  with  those  transactions.    (c) If a trustee grants an option to  buy  property  from  the  trust,  whether  or  not the trust owns the property when the option is granted,  grants an option that permits another person to  sell  property  to  the  trust,  or acquires an option to buy property for the trust or an option  to sell an asset owned by the trust, and the trustee or other  owner  of  the  asset  is required to deliver the asset if the option is exercised,  an amount  received  for  granting  the  option  must  be  allocated  to  principal.  An  amount  paid  to  acquire  the  option must be paid from  principal. A gain or loss realized  upon  the  exercise  of  an  option,  including  an  option  granted  to  a  settlor of the trust for services  rendered, must be allocated to principal.