9-0717 - Community forests.

§ 9-0717. Community forests.    1. Power and authority. A county, city, town, village, school district  or  any  other  political  subdivision  of  the  state,  may  acquire by  purchase, or gift, or take over  lands  in  its  possession  within  the  boundaries  of  the  state  and  use the same for forestry purposes. The  governing  board  of  a  county,  city,  town  or  school  district  may  appropriate  money  for  the  purchase  of lands for the purposes herein  provided, to establish forest plantations or for the care and management  of forests.    2. Procedure. Such boards  may  undertake  such  work  at  regular  or  special  meetings by majority vote of such board after two weeks' public  notice setting forth the fact that such plan is  contemplated  and  that  moneys are to be appropriated for such purposes.    3.  Assistance  and  trees  and  shrubs. The department may assist and  advise such boards in its reforesting and wildlife  habitat  improvement  work,  and the department may furnish trees and shrubs for planting such  publicly owned  lands  without  charge  provided  they  are  planted  in  accordance with the instructions of the department.    4.  Use.  Such  governing board shall have full power and authority to  acquire, maintain, manage and operate such forests, and sell the produce  thereof, for the benefit of the inhabitants of its district.    5. Revenue. The net income from such lands  shall  be  paid  into  the  general  fund  of  such  municipal  division and shall be used only upon  order of its governing board.