9-0711 - Duties of state forest practice board.

§ 9-0711. Duties of state forest practice board.    It  shall  be the duty of the state forest practice board to pass upon  and approve or disapprove the forest practice standards approved by  the  regional  forest  practice  boards. If such forest practice standards be  approved by the state forest practice board  and  by  the  commissioner,  state  assistance  shall  be  available  thereafter, as provided in this  section to cooperating forest and farm woodland owners within the forest  regions the forest practice standards of which are  so  approved.    The  state  forest  practice  board  shall,  subject  to  the approval of the  commissioner, determine from the recommendations of the regional  forest  practice  boards  uniform  forest  practice standards for similar forest  types within the various natural forest regions of the state.  It  shall  also have the following duties and powers:    1.  To  act  in an advisory capacity to the commissioner in connection  with forest practice standards;    2. To adopt such policies in  the  carrying  out  of  regional  forest  practice programs, as it deems appropriate;    3. To keep the several regional forest practice boards informed of the  activities  and  experience  of  all other forest practice boards in the  state and to facilitate an interchange of advice  and  experience  among  such regional forest practice boards and cooperation among them;    4.  To  approve  and  coordinate  the programs of the several regional  forest practice boards;    5. To cooperate with the commissioner in securing  the  assistance  of  the  United  States  and  any  of its agencies and of any other agencies  within or without  the  state  either  public  or  private  when  deemed  advisable by the board in the work of such regions.