9-0709 - Duties of regional forest practice boards.

§ 9-0709. Duties of regional forest practice boards.    The  regional forest practice boards shall, subject to the approval of  the state forest practice board and the commissioner, and  in  order  to  procure  state  assistance  for  cooperating  owners  of forest and farm  woodlands, determine the forest practice standards necessary  for  their  regions.  After  such  standards  have been approved by the state forest  practice board and the commissioner, the regional forest practice boards  shall formally adopt such standards and promote their  application.  The  boards may assist cooperating owners in carrying out such application of  the  approved forest practice standards. Regional forest practice boards  may act as agents for this state or any  of  its  agencies  or  for  the  United  States or any of its agencies in connection with such assistance  to cooperating owners. The boards may also accept donations,  gifts  and  contributions in money, services, materials or otherwise from this state  or  any of its agencies or from the United States or any of its agencies  or payments from cooperating land owners, and may  use  or  expend  such  moneys,  services,  materials,  contributions or payments to promote the  application of the forest practice standards.  The  boards  may  approve  forest  management  plans submitted by land owners in lieu of compliance  with the forest  practice  standards  adopted,  provided  the  standards  embodied in said plans are equivalent to those adopted by the boards.