9-0707 - State forest practice board.

§ 9-0707. State forest practice board.    There  shall  be  a state forest practice board which shall consist of  one representative from each existing regional  forest  practice  board,  and,  as  ex-officio members of the board without vote, the president of  the State University of New York College of  Environmental  Science  and  Forestry,  the  dean  of the State University College of Agriculture and  Life Sciences, and the chairman of the New York conference board of farm  organizations, the chairman of the state fish  and  wildlife  management  board,  the  chairman of the state soil conservation committee, or their  representatives. Each member other than the ex-officio members shall  be  elected  by  and  from  the membership of the respective regional forest  practice boards for a term of three years from the day of his  election,  unless  within such period he shall cease to be a member of the regional  forest practice board which elected him in which event he shall cease to  be a member of the state board on the day he ceases to be  a  member  of  such  regional  board.  Any vacancy in the state board other than in the  office of an ex-officio member shall be filled for the  balance  of  the  unexpired  term  so  vacated  by  election  from  its  membership by the  regional forest practice board as to which such  vacancy  occurred.  The  members  of  the  state  forest  practice board shall elect one of their  voting members to serve  as  chairman.  An  officer  of  the  department  designated by the commissioner may act as secretary for the board if the  board  so  elect;  otherwise,  a  secretary  shall  be  elected from the  membership. The state forest practice board shall meet at  the  call  of  the  chairman  or  secretary  when and where necessary within the state.  Members of the state forest practice board and their  alternates  except  ex-officio members shall be paid their necessary traveling expenses when  attending  meetings  of  the  board  from  moneys  appropriated  to  the  department for travel and shall be paid on  vouchers  certified  by  the  chairman   of  the  state  forest  practice  board  upon  audit  of  the  Comptroller in the manner provided by law.