9-1701 - Legislative findings.

§ 9-1701. Legislative findings.    The  legislature  finds that invasive plant and animal species pose an  unacceptable risk to New York state's environment and economy  and  that  this  risk  is  increasing  through time as more invasive species become  established within the state. The legislature  additionally  finds  that  invasive  species are having a detrimental effect upon the state's fresh  and tidal wetlands, water bodies and  waterways,  forests,  agricultural  lands, meadows and grasslands, and other natural communities and systems  by  out-competing  native  species,  diminishing  biological  diversity,  altering community structure and,  in  some  cases,  changing  ecosystem  processes.  Moreover,  the  legislature  recognizes  that the ecological  integrity of an increasing number of publicly and privately-owned  parks  and  preserves  is  being  adversely  affected  by  invasive  plants and  animals,  challenging  the  ability  of  land  management  agencies   to  effectively  manage these sites. The legislature further recognizes that  nearly half (forty-six  percent;  fifty-seven  percent  of  the  plants,  thirty-nine  percent  of the animals) of the species on the federal list  of endangered species are declining, at least in part, due  to  invasive  species.  The  legislature additionally finds that invasive species have  an adverse impact on the New York state economy.  Particularly  affected  by  these  species  are the water supply, agricultural, and recreational  sectors of the state  economy.  The  economic  impact  to  the  national  economy  has  been  estimated  to be as high as one hundred thirty-seven  billion dollars annually.