71-0921 - Misdemeanors.

§ 71-0921. Misdemeanors.    The  following  acts  are misdemeanors, punishable as herein provided,  when they are done in violation of the section  or  subdivision  thereof  specified, or if no section is specified, in violation of any section of  the Fish and Wildlife Law:    1.  The  illegal taking of big game prior to the first day of the open  season or after the last day of the open season in the  county  or  part  thereof  where  taken, or any illegal taking of a deer, or the taking of  big game by the aid of an artificial light. Each such misdemeanor  shall  be punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine of  not  less  than  two  hundred  fifty  dollars nor more than two thousand  dollars, or by both such imprisonment and fine.    2. The illegal taking of a bear less than one year old or  the  taking  of  a  bear  by  a  means  or method not permitted by this chapter. Such  misdemeanor shall be punishable by imprisonment for not  more  than  one  year or by a fine of not more than two thousand dollars, or by both such  imprisonment and fine.    3.  Possession,  use  or  discharge  of  a  firearm  in  violation  of  subdivision 1, 2, 4, 5, or 6 of section 11-0931 of  this  chapter.  Each  such  misdemeanor  shall be punishable by imprisonment for not more than  three months or by a fine of not less than two hundred dollars nor  more  than one thousand dollars, or by both such imprisonment and fine.    4. a. Violations of:    (1)  subdivision  one of section 13-0309 of this chapter involving the  taking of shellfish from uncertified shellfish lands, or the possession,  transportation, sale or trafficking in shellfish so taken;    (2) subdivision two of section 13-0309 of this chapter  involving  the  taking of shellfish between sunset and sunrise;    (3)  subdivision  ten of section 13-0309 of this chapter involving the  possession of a stick dredge  after  one  prior  conviction  under  such  subdivision for such activity;    (4)  subdivision  one of section 13-0311 of this chapter involving the  taking of shellfish without the required digger's permit;    (5) subdivision seven of section 13-0311 of this chapter involving the  taking of shellfish while one's digger's permit is suspended or revoked;    (6) subdivision one of section 13-0315 of this chapter  involving  the  processing,  transportation,  shipment  or sale of shellfish without the  required shipper's or processor's permit;    (7) regulations promulgated by  the  department  pursuant  to  section  13-0319  of  this chapter involving the failure to tag or seal shellfish  or the falsifying of  any  information  required  on  any  tag  or  seal  required by said regulations;    (8) subdivision five of section 13-0325 of this chapter, regarding the  taking  of  undersized  clams,  where  the  taking  involves  more  than  twenty-four percentum of clams of less than legal size;    (9) subdivision two of section 13-0327 of this chapter, regarding  the  taking  of  undersized  scallops,  where  the  taking involves more than  twenty-four percentum of scallops of less than legal size; and    (10) section 13-0344 of this chapter involving the dumping of  objects  into the water after being signaled by a police officer or peace officer  to stop for inspection.    b. Each such misdemeanor identified in paragraph a of this subdivision  shall be punishable as follows:    (1)  For  a  first  conviction  for  any  of  the violations listed in  paragraph a of this subdivision, by imprisonment for not more than sixty  days, a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars  nor  more  than  one  thousand dollars plus, if applicable, an amount equal to the marketvalue of the shellfish involved  in  the  violation,  or  by  both  such  imprisonment and fine.    (2)  For  a  second  conviction  for  any  of the violations listed in  paragraph a of this subdivision,  by  imprisonment  for  not  more  than  ninety  days, a fine of not less than five hundred dollars nor more than  twenty-five hundred dollars plus, if  applicable,  an  amount  equal  to  three times the market value of the shellfish involved in the violation,  or by both such imprisonment and fine.    (3)  For  a  third  or subsequent conviction for any of the violations  listed in paragraph a of this subdivision, by imprisonment for not  more  than  one  hundred  eighty  days,  a  fine of not less than one thousand  dollars nor more than ten  thousand  dollars  plus,  if  applicable,  an  amount  equal  to three times the market value of the shellfish involved  in the violation, or by both such imprisonment and fine.    (4) Provided, further, that  all  equipment  or  conveyances  used  to  harvest, transport or traffic in such illegal shellfish may be forfeited  for  any  third  or  subsequent  conviction  of the above violations, in  addition to such penalties or imprisonment. Such forfeiture shall be  in  addition  to  any  forfeiture  authorized  by  section  71-0909  of this  article.    5. a. Violations of:    (1) subdivision three of section 13-0309 of this chapter involving the  illegal use of dredges, scrapes or other devices operated by power or by  boats propelled by motor or other mechanical means for  the  purpose  of  taking shellfish;    (2) subdivision eight of section 13-0309 of this chapter involving the  operation,  use  or  placing,  for  whatever purpose, of dredges, rakes,  tongs or other devices  for  the  taking  of  shellfish  in  uncertified  shellfish lands after a prior conviction under such subdivision for such  activity;    (3)  subdivision nine of section 13-0309 of this chapter involving the  altering, damaging, mutilating, moving or  carrying  away  of  buoys  or  markers used to designate the uncertified waters of the state;    (4)  subdivision five of section 13-0325 of this chapter regarding the  taking of undersized clams, where the taking involves  between  ten  and  twenty-four percentum of clams of less than legal size; and    (5)  subdivision two of section 13-0327 of this chapter, regarding the  taking of undersized scallops, where the taking involves between ten and  twenty-four percentum of scallops of less than legal size.    b. Each such misdemeanor identified in paragraph a of this subdivision  shall be punishable as follows:    (1) For a  first  conviction  of  any  of  the  violations  listed  in  paragraph  a  of  this  subdivision,  by  imprisonment for not more than  thirty days, a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars nor  more  than  five  hundred  dollars plus, if applicable, an amount equal to the  market value of the shellfish involved in the violation, or by both such  imprisonment and fine.    (2) For a second conviction  for  any  of  the  violations  listed  in  paragraph  a  of  this  subdivision, by imprisonment not to exceed sixty  days, a fine of not less than five hundred dollars  nor  more  than  one  thousand  dollars  plus,  if  applicable,  an amount equal to the market  value of the shellfish involved  in  the  violation,  or  by  both  such  imprisonment and fine.    (3)  For  a  third  or subsequent conviction for any of the violations  listed in paragraph a of this subdivision, by imprisonment for not  more  than  one  hundred  eighty  days,  a  fine of not less than one thousand  dollars nor more than five thousand  dollars  plus,  if  applicable,  anamount  equal  to  the  market  value  of  the shellfish involved in the  violation, or by both such imprisonment and fine.    6.  Violations  of paragraph b of subdivision 3 or subdivision 5 or 12  of section 13-0329 of this  chapter.  Each  such  misdemeanor  shall  be  punishable  by  imprisonment  for not more than one year or by a fine of  not less than five hundred dollars nor more than two  thousand  dollars,  or by both such imprisonment and fine.    7.  Violations  of  subdivision  7  or  11  of section 13-0329 of this  chapter.  Each such misdemeanor shall be punishable by imprisonment  for  not  more  than  ninety  days or by a fine of not less than five hundred  dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or by both such imprisonment  and fine.    8. Making a false statement in applying for a license, stamp or permit  under the Fish and Wildlife Law, or for a certificate in lieu of a  lost  license  or  stamp  or a duplicate big game license tag under title 7 of  article 11 of this chapter. Each such misdemeanor shall be punishable by  imprisonment for not more than three months, or by a fine  of  not  more  than  two  hundred  dollars,  or  by both such imprisonment and fine. In  addition, the department may  immediately  revoke  the  license,  stamp,  permit  or  certificate for which application was made for the remainder  of its effective term.    9. Failure to give the department  the  prompt  notification  required  under  subdivision  10  of  section  13-0301  of  this chapter, when the  specified buoys or markers are destroyed. Each such misdemeanor shall be  punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year or by  a  fine  of  not  more  than  one  thousand dollars, or by both such imprisonment and  fine.    10. Violation of subdivision  10  of  section  11-0901  involving  the  illegal  taking of a moose. Each such misdemeanor shall be punishable by  imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine of  not  more  than  two thousand dollars, or by both such imprisonment and fine.    11.  Any person who violates the provisions of section 11-0537 of this  chapter, in the case of a first violation, shall be guilty of a class  B  misdemeanor  and,  upon  conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine  not to exceed five thousand dollars or by  imprisonment  not  to  exceed  ninety  days,  or  both;  provided  that  in  the  case  of  a second or  subsequent  violation  such  person  shall  be  guilty  of  a  class   A  misdemeanor  and,  upon  conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine  not to exceed ten thousand dollars or imprisonment  not  to  exceed  one  year,  or both; provided, further, that the commission of each taking or  other act prohibited by section 11-0537 of this chapter with respect  to  a  bald  or  golden  eagle shall constitute a separate violation of this  section; provided, further, that one-half of any such fine, but  not  to  exceed two thousand five hundred dollars, shall be paid to the person or  persons giving information which leads to conviction.    12.  Any violation of section 13-0344 of this chapter is punishable by  imprisonment for not more than thirty days, or by a  fine  of  not  less  than two hundred fifty dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or by  both such fine and imprisonment.    13.  Violations  of  subdivision one or two of section 11-1904 of this  chapter. Each such misdemeanor shall be punishable by a fine of not more  than two thousand five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not  more  than  one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment; except that where  the person convicted of violating such subdivision has gained  money  or  property  through  the  commission  of the violation, in lieu of the two  thousand five hundred dollar maximum fine provided for herein, the court  may impose a fine in accordance with the provisions of subdivision  five  of section 80.05 of the penal law.