71-0513 - Jurisdiction of courts in criminal cases.

§ 71-0513. Jurisdiction of courts in criminal cases.    1. Except as provided in subdivision 2 of this section, County Courts,  and  subject  to the power of removal provided in the Criminal Procedure  Law, district courts, the New York City criminal court, town courts  and  village   courts   shall   have,   in  the  first  instance,  concurrent  jurisdiction of offenses committed under the provisions of this  chapter  listed  in  section  71-0501  or under titles 5 through 15 inclusive and  title 33 of this article, provided, however, that  an  action  before  a  town  court  shall  be  brought  in  the  town  in which the offense was  committed or an adjoining town, and that an action before a County Court  shall be brought in the county in which the  offense  was  committed.  A  warrant  shall be returnable before the local criminal court issuing the  same.    2. This section does not apply to offenses committed under articles 11  and 13 or title 9 of this article.