71-0505 - Suits and prosecution.

§ 71-0505. Suits and prosecution.    1.  The  commissioner  shall  have the power to bring actions suits or  proceedings as in his judgment may be necessary or proper to perform any  of the powers,  functions  or  duties  imposed  upon  him  or  upon  the  department  or  any  division  thereof  by any of the provisions of this  chapter listed in section 71-0501 or under titles 5 through 15 inclusive  and title 33 of this article or to prevent the violation by any  person,  public  or private, of any of the provisions thereof; and shall have the  power to defend such actions, suits or proceedings as may arise  through  the  performance  of any of the powers, duties or functions imposed upon  him or upon the department or any division thereof.    2. It shall be the duty of the Attorney General, when requested by the  department,  to  appoint  an  Assistant  Attorney  General,   and   such  assistants  as may be necessary and assign them to the department.  Such  Assistant Attorney General and assistants shall receive salaries, to  be  fixed  by  the  Attorney  General  within the appropriation therefor. It  shall be the duty of  such  assistant,  in  the  name  of  the  Attorney  General,  to  conduct  all  prosecutions  for  penalties  imposed by the  provisions of this chapter listed in section 71-0501 or under  titles  5  through  15  inclusive  and  title  33  of this article and to bring all  actions, suits and proceedings, which the department shall be authorized  to institute  and  maintain,  and  to  defend  all  actions,  suits  and  proceedings brought against the department, its officers or employees of  or  on  account of any act or any thing done by the said department, its  officers or employees when such act or thing was, in the opinion of  the  Attorney  General,  done  in  the  discharge  of any official duty or in  reasonable exercise of authority.    3. No action, suit or proceeding in which the title to  lands  of  the  state  in  forest preserve counties shall be involved shall be withdrawn  or discontinued, nor shall judgment therein against the state be entered  on  consent  except  on  special  permission  of  the  court  and  after  application  made  in open court, on which application all the terms and  conditions of the settlement shall be fully stated in  writing  and  the  reasons therefor set forth at length.