71-0503 - Investigation by department.

§ 71-0503. Investigation by department.    1.  Any  investigation,  inquiry  or  hearing which the department has  power to undertake or to hold may be undertaken or held by or before the  commissioner, the deputy commissioner or the  head  of  a  division,  or  before  any  other  officer or employee of the department designated for  such purpose by written order of the commissioner, filed in  the  office  of the department. All investigations, inquiries, hearings and decisions  of  the commissioner, the deputy commissioner or the head of a division,  shall be and be deemed to be the investigations, inquiries, hearings and  decisions of the department, and every order or  decision  made  by  the  commissioner,   and   every   order  or  decision  made  by  the  deputy  commissioner or a head of division and approved  and  confirmed  by  the  commissioner and ordered filed in the office of the department, shall be  and be deemed to be the order or decision of the department.    2.  The commissioner, deputy commissioner, a head of a division, or an  officer  or  employee  of  the  department  duly   designated   by   the  commissioner,   shall   have  the  power  to  administer  oaths  in  any  proceedings which the department is required or  authorized  by  law  to  conduct.    3.  The  department  shall  have  power  to  subpoena  and require the  attendance in this state of witnesses and  the  production  by  them  of  books  and papers pertinent to the investigations and inquiries which it  is authorized to make under any provision  of  this  chapter  listed  in  section  71-0501  or under titles 5 through 15 inclusive and title 33 of  this article and to examine them and such public  records  as  it  shall  require  in  relation  thereto, and for the purpose of such examinations  the department shall possess all the powers conferred by the Legislative  Law upon a commitee of the Legislature or by the Civil Practice Law  and  Rules  upon  a board or committee, and may invoke the power of any court  of record in the state  to  compel  the  attendance  and  testifying  of  witnesses and the production by them of books and papers as aforesaid. A  subpoena  issued  under  this  section  shall  be regulated by the Civil  Practice Law and Rules.    4. In any investigation or inquiry by or upon any hearing  before  the  department, the commissioner, his deputy or any other officer conducting  the  investigation, inquiry or hearing may confer immunity in accordance  with the provisions of section 50.20 of the Criminal Procedure Law.