71-1305 - Offenses.

§ 71-1305. Offenses.    It shall be unlawful for any person to:    1. Waste oil or gas.    2.  Violate  any  of  the  provisions  of  or fail to perform any duty  imposed by article  23  of  this  chapter  or  any  rule  or  regulation  promulgated  thereunder  or  any order or condition of any permit of the  department made pursuant thereto.    3. Abandon a mine without the approval of the  department  before  all  affected  land  has  been  reclaimed.  A  mine  shall  be  considered as  abandoned when mining and reclamation activities  shall  cease  on  land  affected  by  mining  without  prior  notification  to the department or  without describing such cessation in a mined land use plan  approved  by  the department.    4.  Commence  operations  for the drilling or redrilling of a well for  oil or gas or solution mining, or an intake well, or for the storage  of  oil or gas without first obtaining a permit from the department as.    5. Abandon any oil, gas or solution mining well, or an intake well, or  a  well  for  the storage of oil or gas without first obtaining a permit  from the department.    6. Store gas underground in any manner, unless  the  storage  operator  has  received  such  right  by  grant,  lease  or  other agreement or is  operating in compliance with section 23-1301  of  this  chapter  and  is  authorized  to  maintain  condemnation  proceedings  pursuant to section  23-1303 of this chapter.