57-0117 - Dedications to the Long Island Pine Barrens preserve; legislative protection.

§ 57-0117. Dedications   to  the  Long  Island  Pine  Barrens  preserve;               legislative protection.    1. The commissioner shall maintain a record of the boundaries  of  the  lands which have been dedicated to the Long Island Pine Barrens preserve  in text and depicted on a map.    2.  Land  owned  by  the  state  within  the  Long Island Pine Barrens  maritime reserve may be dedicated to be part of  the  Long  Island  Pine  Barrens  preserve  by the action of the commissioner or the commissioner  of parks, recreation and historic preservation,  or  by  action  of  the  legislature.    3.  Land  owned  by  a  local  government  within the Long Island Pine  Barrens maritime reserve may  be  dedicated  to  the  Long  Island  Pine  Barrens preserve by the action of its local legislative body.    4.  Land  owned  by  private  individuals  within the Long Island Pine  Barrens maritime reserve may be dedicated to be part of the Long  Island  Pine Barrens preserve by the execution of a conservation easement.    5.  Land in the core preservation area which come in the public domain  shall be deemed  to  be  dedicated  to  the  Long  Island  Pine  Barrens  Preserve.    6.  Except  for the core preservation area which shall be deemed to be  dedicated to the preserve, the council shall  review  and  must  approve  each dedication of land to the preserve.    7.  No publicly owned real property, dedicated to the Long Island Pine  Barrens preserve, shall be  alienated  except  by  law  enacted  by  two  successive regular sessions of the legislature, but easements for public  water   supply   purposes   may  be  maintained  consistent  with  local  ordinances.    8. The council shall have no authority  to  manage  any  private  land  unless  such  land has been voluntarily dedicated pursuant to this title  or the owner has executed a voluntary written agreement with the council  authorizing the specific management actions taken.    9.  Nothing  contained  in  this  title  shall  affect  any   previous  dedication  of state land to the State Nature and Historic preserve. Any  state land dedicated to the Long Island Pine Barrens preserve  may  also  be dedicated to the State Nature and Historic preserve.