56-0303 - Management programs, plans and projects.

§ 56-0303. Management programs, plans and projects.    1. Of the moneys received by the state from the sale of bonds pursuant  to  the Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act of 1996, five hundred twenty-five  million dollars ($525,000,000)  shall  be  allocated  to  water  quality  improvement projects identified as follows:    (a)  Twenty-five  million dollars ($25,000,000) shall be available for  state assistance payments  to  municipalities  for  the  cost  of  water  quality  improvement  projects  intended  to  implement the Hudson River  estuary plan as set forth in section 11-0306 of this chapter.    (b) Two hundred million dollars ($200,000,000) shall be available  for  state  assistance  payments  to  municipalities  for  the  cost of water  quality improvement projects intended to implement the Long Island Sound  comprehensive conservation and management  plan  developed  pursuant  to  section 320 of the federal clean water act.    (c) Fifteen million dollars ($15,000,000) shall be available for state  assistance  payments  to  municipalities  for  the cost of water quality  improvement projects intended to implement the Lake Champlain management  plan  developed  pursuant  to  the  federal   Lake   Champlain   special  designation act of 1990.    (d)  Seventy-five million dollars ($75,000,000) shall be available for  state assistance payments  to  municipalities  for  the  cost  of  water  quality  improvement  projects  intended  to implement the Onondaga Lake  plan developed pursuant to the consent order issued by the United States  District Court for the Northern District of New  York  agreed  to  among  Onondaga  County,  the  state of New York, and the Atlantic States Legal  Foundation, Inc. Provided, however, that such municipality shall  adhere  to  the  construction timetable set forth in said plan and shall provide  the department  with  periodic  updates  as  to  the  progress  of  said  construction and the prospect of any pilot or demonstration technologies  set  forth  in  said plan. The commissioner shall have discretion not to  make any disbursement until these conditions have been met to his or her  satisfaction and upon the approval of the state comptroller.    (e) Twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) shall be  available  for  state  assistance  payments  to  municipalities  for  the  cost of water  quality improvement projects intended  to  implement  the  New  York/New  Jersey  harbor comprehensive conservation and management plan, developed  pursuant to section 320 of the federal clean water act.    (f) Twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) shall be  available  for  state  assistance  payments  to  municipalities  for  the  cost of water  quality improvement projects  intended  to  implement  the  department's  great lakes program developed in accordance with the federal great lakes  critical  programs  act  of  1990  and  the  great  lakes  water quality  agreement of 1987, as amended, between the governments of Canada and the  United States of America.    (g) Twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) shall be  available  for  state  assistance  payments  to  municipalities  for  the  cost of water  quality improvement projects for the finger lakes and their  tributaries  which  are  approved  by  the  secretary  of  state  pursuant to article  forty-two of the executive law or by the commissioner.    (h) For state assistance  payments  for  the  cost  of  water  quality  improvement  projects  intended  for  any waters of the state which have  been (a) approved by  the  commissioner,  (b)  identified  in  plans  in  accordance  with section 1455b of the federal costal zone management act  or article forty-two of the executive law and approved by the  secretary  of  state, or (c) developed in accordance with title eleven-b of article  two of the soil and water conservation districts law and approved by the  state  soil  and  water  conservation  committee  and  commissioner   of  agriculture and markets.(i)  Twenty-five  million dollars ($25,000,000) shall be available for  the expenses of projects at facilities owned by the state  of  New  York  which  enhance  the  quality  of  the  waters  of the state by remedying  environmental deficiencies or  complying  with  environmental  laws  and  regulations.    (j)   Fifty  million  dollars  ($50,000,000)  shall  be  available  to  municipalities for wastewater treatment  improvement  projects  and  the  cost  of municipal flood control projects in villages, towns, and cities  with a population of seventy-five thousand or less.    (k) Thirty million dollars ($30,000,000) shall be available for  state  assistance  payments  to  municipalities  for  the cost of water quality  improvement   projects   intended   to   implement   the   comprehensive  conservation  management plan for the peconic estuary developed pursuant  to section 320 of the federal clean water act and for the  comprehensive  management  plan  for  the  south  shore  estuary reserve plan developed  pursuant to article forty-six of the executive law.    (l) Thirty million dollars ($30,000,000) shall be available for  state  assistance  payments through the environmental facilities corporation to  villages, towns, and cities with a population of less than one  million,  for  environmental  compliance  assistance projects for businesses which  enhance the quality of the waters of the state through  compliance  with  environmental   laws   and   regulations,   or   to  remedy  or  prevent  environmental deficiencies.    (1) The president  of  the  environmental  facilities  corporation  is  authorized  to provide state assistance payments to villages, towns, and  cities with a population less than one million,  for  implementation  of  environmental  compliance  assistance projects which enhance the quality  of the waters of the state.    (2) A village, town, and city with  a  population  of  less  than  one  million  may  submit  an  application to the president, in such form and  manner as the president  may  require,  for  state  assistance  payments  toward the cost of environmental compliance assistance projects.    (3)  Upon  receipt  of a request for state assistance application, the  president shall review and, within ninety days from  the  receipt  of  a  complete    application,   may   approve,   disapprove,   or   recommend  modifications  thereto  consistent   with   applicable   law   criteria,  standards, or rules and regulations relative to such projects.    (m)  Notwithstanding  any  provision  of  law to the contrary, amounts  allocated in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f)  and  (g)  of  this  subdivision  may  be  interchanged  between  such  paragraphs and may be  interchanged to amounts allocated in paragraph (h) of this subdivision.    2. At least three wastewater  treatment  improvement  projects  funded  pursuant  to  this title shall be projects designed to refine innovative  technologies for use in the physical environment of New York  state  and  serve  as  a  catalyst  for  technology  transfer. Such technologies may  include, but shall not be  limited  to,  technologies  that  reduce  the  amount  and toxicity of sewage sludge and effluent; increase reliability  and cost efficiency; reduce energy consumption; or achieve more reliable  pathogen destruction.