53-0301 - Legislative purpose.

§ 53-0301. Legislative purpose.    The legislature finds and declares that:    1.  It  is  the purpose of this title to promote a comprehensive urban  forestry program to assure positive benefit from urban trees planned and  managed with adequate recognition of the  physical,  biotic  and  social  surroundings  in  which  they  are  encouraged to grow and provide their  benefits.    2. Trees can serve as a vital link between man in  the  urban  setting  and his environment, if properly planned and managed.    3.  Trees  and shrubs can improve the quality of urban environments by  helping to prevent erosion, by providing shade,  modifying  extremes  of  temperature and humidity, helping to reduce noise and air pollution, and  enhancing the aesthetic quality of life. Also, vegetation in urban green  space can contribute to urban water shed management and provide habitats  for desirable urban wildlife.    4.  Growing  conditions in urban areas for trees and associated plants  are frequent and  recurrent  problems  because  of  highway  and  street  widening,  sidewalk  reconstruction,  air  pollution, modified drainage,  erosion, soil  fertility  depletion,  insects  and  disease,  mechanical  hazards  and other adverse influences resulting from concentrated use of  land. On the other hand, many mature urban areas have  large  tracts  of  open space on which more urban vegetation could be grown.    5.  Improved  and  expanded  urban  tree  programs  for  planting  and  maintenance of trees and associated vegetation in urban areas would help  make urban areas more pleasant and healthful places to  live,  work  and  visit; and    6.  Trees  are an important economic asset and resource to urban areas  by increasing land values and  by  modifying  extremes  of  temperature,  humidity  and  winds  and thereby have an important role in reducing the  amount of energy consumed in heating and cooling  many  urban  buildings  and homes.