33-0501 - Testing of pesticide samples.

§ 33-0501. Testing of pesticide samples.    1.  The  commissioner  shall  take  and  seal samples of pesticides in  duplicate in the presence of at least one  witness  and  shall,  tender,  and,  if  accepted, deliver to the person in charge of the pesticide one  of such samples.    2. The department shall examine, analyze, or  test,  or  cause  to  be  examined,  analyzed  or  tested  the  pesticide  samples taken under the  provisions of this article.    3. At least every two years  the  department  shall  make  public  the  results  of  examinations,  analyses, trials, and tests of any sample or  samples so  procured,  together  with  such  additional  information  as  circumstances  advise.  These published results shall be the property of  the state of  New  York  and  shall  not  be  used  for  advertising  or  regulatory  purposes  by  any  person or agency, government or otherwise  without the commissioner's permission.