33-1301 - Unlawful acts.

§ 33-1301. Unlawful acts.    It shall be unlawful:    1.  For  any  person to distribute, sell, offer for sale or use within  this state or deliver for  transportation  or  transport  in  intrastate  commerce  or  between points within this state through any point outside  this state any of the following:    a. Any pesticide  which  has  not  been  registered  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  this  article or any pesticide if any of the claims made  for it or any of the directions for its use differ in substance from the  representations made in connection with  its  registration,  or  if  the  composition  of  a pesticide differs from its composition as represented  in connection with its registration; provided that in the discretion  of  the  commissioner a change in the labeling or formula of a pesticide may  be made within a registration period without requiring reregistration of  the product.    * b.  Except  as  specified  in  regulation  authorizing   alternative  pesticide containers, any pesticide unless it:    (1)  is  in  the registrant's or the manufacturer's unbroken immediate  container, and there is affixed to such container, and  to  the  outside  container  or  wrapper  of  the retail package, if there be one, through  which the required information on  the  immediate  container  cannot  be  clearly  read,  a  label  bearing  (i)  the  name  and  address  of  the  manufacturer, registrant, or person for whom manufactured;    (ii) the name, brand, or trade-mark under which said article is  sold;  and    (iii)  the  net weight or measure of the content; subject, however, to  such reasonable variations as the commissioner may permit; or    (2) meets the requirements  of  subparagraph  one  of  this  paragraph  except  that  the  container has been accidently damaged during handling  prior to sale and the  damage  has  been  repaired  by  such  person  in  accordance  with his or her own specific "minor repair program" approved  by the United States environmental protection  agency  pursuant  to  its  October  ninth,  two  thousand  nine  pesticide container repair interim  policy. A copy of  the  approved  program  shall  be  forwarded  to  the  department  within  thirty  days  of  approval  and shall be kept at the  person's place of business and be available for department  review  upon  request.    * NB Effective until March 1, 2012    * b.   Except  as  specified  in  regulation  authorizing  alternative  pesticide containers, any pesticide unless it is in the registrant's  or  the manufacturer's unbroken immediate container, and there is affixed to  such  container,  and  to the outside container or wrapper of the retail  package, if there be one, through which the required information on  the  immediate container cannot be clearly read, a label bearing:    (1)  The  name  and address of the manufacturer, registrant, or person  for whom manufactured;    (2) The name, brand, or trade-mark under which said article  is  sold;  and    (3)  The  net  weight  or measure of the content; subject, however, to  such reasonable variations as the commissioner may permit.    * NB Effective March 1, 2012    c. Any  pesticide  which  contains  any  substance  or  substances  in  quantities  highly  toxic  to  man,  determined  as  provided in section  33-0303, unless the label shall bear, in addition to  any  other  matter  required by this article:    (1) The skull and crossbones;    (2)  The  word  "poison"  prominently,  in  red,  on  a  background of  distinctly contrasting color; and(3) A statement of an antidote for the pesticide.    d.  The pesticide commonly known as standard lead arsenate, basic lead  arsenate, calcium arsenate,  magnesium  arsenate,  zinc  arsenate,  zinc  arsenite, sodium fluoride, sodium fluosilicate, and barium fluosilicate,  unless  they  have  been distinctly colored or discolored as provided by  regulations issued in accordance with this article, or any  other  white  powder  pesticide  which  the  commissioner,  after investigation of and  after public hearing on the necessity for such action for the protection  of  the  public  health  and  the  feasibility  of  such  coloration  or  discoloration, shall, by regulation, require to be distinctly colored or  discolored;  unless it has been so colored or discolored; provided, that  the commissioner may exempt any pesticide  to  the  extent  that  it  is  intended  for  a particular use or uses from the coloring or discoloring  required or authorized by  this  section  if  he  determines  that  such  coloring  or  discoloring  for such use or uses is not necessary for the  protection of the public health.    e. Any pesticide which is adulterated or misbranded.    2. For any person to detach, alter, deface, or destroy, in whole or in  part, any label or labeling provided for in this article or  regulations  promulgated hereunder, or to add any substance to, or take any substance  from,  a  pesticide  in  a  manner  that  may defeat the purpose of this  article.    3. For any person to use for his own advantage  or  to  reveal,  other  than  to  the commissioner or proper officials or employees of the state  or to the courts of  this  state  in  response  to  a  subpoena,  or  to  physicians,  or  in  emergencies  to  pharmacists  and  other  qualified  persons, for use  in  the  preparation  of  antidotes,  any  information  relative to formulas of products acquired by authority of this article.    4.  For  any  person  to  store or dispose of any pesticide, or of any  container which holds or has held a pesticide, except in compliance with  the rules and regulations of the commissioner.    5. For any person to distribute, sell, offer for  sale,  purchase  for  the  purpose  of  re-sale,  or  possess  for  the purpose of re-sale any  restricted use pesticide without  a  commercial  permit  issued  by  the  commissioner.    6.  For  a  commercial permit holder to sell restricted use pesticides  except to the holder of a non-cancelled purchase permit or to the holder  of a commercial permit or a certified applicator.    7. For any person to purchase or possess, except for  the  purpose  of  re-sale,  or  use any restricted use pesticide without a purchase permit  issued by the commissioner or without being a certified applicator.    8. For any person to engage in application  of  pesticides  without  a  pesticide    applicator   certificate   registration   issued   by   the  commissioner, except while working under the  direct  supervision  of  a  certified applicator.    8-a.  For any person or business to engage in the business of applying  pesticides unless the business is registered by the commissioner.    9. For any  person  to  use  2,4-D  (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic  acid),  2,4-5-T    (Trichlorophenoxyacetic   acid)   or   MCP   (2   Methyl,   4  Chlorophenoxyacetic acid) within or in proximity to an affected area, in  violation of an order of the  commissioner  prohibiting  or  restricting  such use.    10.  For  any  person  to remove or dispose of a seized or quarantined  pesticide by sale or otherwise without the commissioner's permission.    11. In cities with a population of one million or more,  it  shall  be  unlawful   to   use  any  pesticide  containing  the  active  ingredient  4-aminopyridine, including but not limited to Avitrol.