33-1101 - Petition for protection of a grape growing area.

§ 33-1101. Petition for protection of a grape growing area.    1.  The  requirements for a petition for protection of a grape growing  area are as follows:    a. The petition must be in a form prescribed by the commissioner;    b. The petition must be signed by ten or more  grape  growers  in  the  same or contiguous towns in the state;    c.   The   petition   must   allege   that   the  use  of  2,4-D  (2,4  Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), 2,4-5-T  (Trichlorophenoxyacetic  acid)  or  MCP  (2  Methyl,  4  Chlorophenoxyacetic  acid)  in  proximity  to grape  vineyards or crops of  grapes  described  in  the  petition  has  proved  harmful  to  the  development  of  grapevines  or  the grape crop in the  affected area in the same or any prior year; and    d. The petition must request that the use of such chemical  substances  be prohibited or restricted within the affected area.    2.  In  counting  the required number of petitioners, joint tenants or  tenants by the entireties shall be counted as one signer.    3. The commissioner shall  ascertain  whether  at  least  ten  of  the  signers  of the petition are grape growers and owners of grape vineyards  within the affected area.