29-0301 - Appointment of the commission.

* § 29-0301. Appointment of the commission.    1.   There  is  hereby  created  a  commission  for  siting  low-level  radioactive waste disposal facilities. The commission shall  consist  of  seven  members  appointed  by  the  governor  whose appointment shall be  effective when issued. The members of  the  commission,  to  the  extent  practicable,  shall  be competent and knowledgeable concerning low-level  radioactive waste and shall be qualified as follows:    a. a geologist;    b. a medical doctor;    c. a health physicist;    d. a professional engineer;    e. a social scientist;    f. an  environmentalist  who  represents  a  non-profit  environmental  organization;    g. a private citizen who shall be designated to act as chairperson.    2.  The  chairperson  shall  appoint  an  executive  director  to  the  commission.    3. In the event of resignation of one of the commission  members,  the  governor  shall appoint a replacement. Each member shall receive the sum  of two hundred dollars for each day in which the member is actually  and  primarily engaged in the performance of the duties specified herein plus  actual and necessary expenses incurred by such member in the performance  of such duties.    4.  The  members  of  the  commission,  the executive director and any  employees of the commission shall  be  considered  public  officers  for  purposes of the public officers law.    5.  Four  of  the  seven  members of the commission shall constitute a  quorum for the  transaction  of  business  of  the  commission  and  the  decision  of  four  members of the commission shall constitute action of  the commission; provided, however, that no application for certification  pursuant to section 29-0105 of this article shall be  made  except  upon  the affirmative vote of four or more members of the commission.    * NB Commission existence pursuant to § 29-0309