29-0105 - Certification of site and disposal method selection.

§ 29-0105. Certification of site and disposal method selection.    1.  Upon  application  by the commission, the department shall certify  that the commission's selection of the site or sites and disposal method  or methods pursuant to section 29-0305 of this article is in conformance  with the applicable siting  criteria  promulgated  pursuant  to  section  29-0103  of  this title; shall certify that, with modifications proposed  by the department, the  selection  would  be  in  conformance  with  the  applicable  siting  criteria;  or shall refuse to certify such selection  and shall specify the manner in which such selection fails to  meet  the  applicable  siting  criteria.  Such  certification or refusal to certify  shall be based  upon  the  record.  The  department  shall  hold  public  hearings  with  respect  to the draft environmental impact statement and  with respect to the application for  certification.  Such  hearings  and  such  certification  or refusal to certify shall be completed within one  hundred eighty  days  of  the  commission's  submission  of  a  complete  application for certification.    2.  The  department  shall publish in the state register notice of its  decision on the application for certification of the site  and  disposal  method selection.    3.  The  department's decision on the application for certification of  the site and  disposal  method  selection  and  the  accompanying  final  environmental  impact  statement shall be submitted by the department to  the governor, the legislature, and the chairman of the  New  York  state  energy  research  and  development  authority.  In addition to any other  information  otherwise  required  for  a  final   environmental   impact  statement, such statement shall include:    a.  copies  of  the  minutes  of  the public hearing held on the draft  environmental impact statement on siting and disposal  method  selection  and  of recommendations from the advisory committee established pursuant  to section 29-0501 of this article, and the  department's  responses  to  the views, comments, information, and recommendations therein; and    b.  a  listing  providing  a  brief  description,  identification,  or  reference for each report, study, or other document relied upon  by  the  department for information supporting its analyses or conclusions.