27-0903 - Identification and listing of hazardous waste.

§ 27-0903. Identification and listing of hazardous waste.    1.   The   commissioner  shall  promulgate  regulations  in  a  manner  consistent with the state administrative procedure  act,  setting  forth  the  criteria  for identification and listing of hazardous wastes. Based  on these criteria, the commissioner shall promulgate a list of hazardous  wastes (which list shall also  include  a  sublist  of  acute  hazardous  wastes)  and  shall  identify  hazardous  waste  by characteristic, in a  manner at  least  as  stringent  as  promulgated  by  the  administrator  pursuant to RCRA. The list of hazardous wastes and the identification of  hazardous waste by characteristic shall determine those hazardous wastes  which shall be subject to this title.    2.  Where appropriate and consistent with the provisions of RCRA, such  regulations shall provide for exemptions from  the  provisions  of  this  title  for  the  management  of  small  quantities  of  wastes listed or  identified as hazardous when  generated  by  research  and  limited  use  operations.    3.  The  regulations setting forth the criteria for identification and  listing, and the list of, hazardous wastes subject to this title may  be  amended by the commissioner from time to time as appropriate, based upon  hazardous  waste  conditions  of  particular relevance to the state. The  commissioner may promulgate the appropriately amended  regulations  only  after  approval of the state environmental board based upon a showing of  the  circumstances  constituting  the  hazardous  waste  conditions   of  particular relevance to this state, and then in a manner consistent with  the state administrative procedure act.