Title 14 - (27-1401 - 27-1435) BROWNFIELD CLEANUP PROGRAM
- 27-1401 - Short title.
- 27-1403 - Declaration of policy and findings of fact.
- 27-1405 - Definitions.
- 27-1407 - Request for participation.
- 27-1409 - Brownfield site cleanup agreement.
- 27-1411 - Work plan requirements.
- 27-1413 - Alternatives analysis.
- 27-1415 - Remedial program requirements.
- 27-1417 - Citizen participation.
- 27-1419 - Certification of completion.
- 27-1420 - Brownfield cleanup program report.
- 27-1421 - Liability limitation.
- 27-1423 - Payment of state costs.
- 27-1425 - Change of use.
- 27-1429 - Permit waivers.
- 27-1431 - Access to sites.
- 27-1433 - Waiver of interest or penalties or other charges on brownfield properties.
- 27-1435 - New York brownfields advisory board.