27-0106 - State solid waste management policy.

§ 27-0106. State solid waste management policy.    In  the  interest of public health, safety and welfare and in order to  conserve energy and  natural  resources,  the  state  of  New  York,  in  enacting this section, establishes as its policy that:    1.  The  following  are  the solid waste management priorities in this  state:    (a) first, to reduce the amount of solid waste generated;    (b) second, to reuse  material  for  the  purpose  for  which  it  was  originally intended or to recycle material that cannot be reused;    (c) third, to recover, in an environmentally acceptable manner, energy  from  solid waste that can not be economically and technically reused or  recycled; and    (d) fourth, to dispose of  solid  waste  that  is  not  being  reused,  recycled  or from which energy is not being recovered, by land burial or  other methods approved by the department.    2. State  government  must  make  an  essential  contribution  to  the  development  and  implementation  of  environmentally,  economically and  technically viable solid waste management  programs  through  fulfilling  its  responsibilities  to provide programs which promote waste reduction  and  the  expansion  of  markets  for   recovered   materials,   clearly  articulated,  responsive and consistently applied regulatory structures,  and a full  range  of  technical  assistance  to  local  governments.  A  state-local  partnership,  in  which  the  basic  responsibility for the  planning and operation of solid waste management facilities remains with  local  governments  and  the  state  provides  necessary  guidance   and  assistance, must be forged.    3.   This  policy,  after  consideration  of  economic  and  technical  feasibility,  shall  guide  the  solid  waste  management  programs  and  decisions of the department and other state agencies and authorities.