23-2709 - Administration of title.

§ 23-2709. Administration of title.    1. The department shall have and be entitled to exercise the following  powers and duties:    (a) to issue permits in accordance with the criteria set forth in this  article and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder;    (b)  to  administer  and  enforce the provisions of this title and any  rule or regulation  promulgated  thereunder  or  order  issued  pursuant  thereto;    (c)  to  establish environmental standards and criteria for mining and  reclamation of the affected land to achieve the purposes of this title;    (d) to  order,  pursuant  to  section  71-0301  of  this  chapter,  an  immediate  suspension  of mining or reclamation operations or operations  incidental or appurtenant thereto whenever  such  operations  are  being  carried  on  in  violation  of  this  title or of rules, regulations and  orders adopted pursuant thereto;    (e) to conduct investigations and obtain data with respect to research  experiments  and  demonstrations,  and  to   collect   and   disseminate  information regarding mining and reclamation;    (f)  to  accept grants or funds for purposes of administration of this  title and research into the fields of mining and land reclamation;    (g) to cooperate with any other governmental  entity  to  further  the  purposes of this title;    (h)  to  contract with the soil and water conservation district in the  county where a mine is located to achieve the purposes of this title;    (i) to allow, upon agreement by the department and the permittee,  the  reclamation of unreclaimed land affected by mining prior to April first,  nineteen  hundred  seventy-five, as a substitute for reclamation of land  affected by mining after that date, provided that  a  net  environmental  benefit results from such substitution; and    (j)  to determine, after notice and an opportunity for a hearing, if a  mining operation has been abandoned.    2. This title shall not apply to the commissioner of general  services  acting  with  respect  to lands under water pursuant to the public lands  law.    3. The state geological survey shall be the state  agency  responsible  for  the  collection  of mineral production information for the state in  association with the United States bureau of mines. The state geological  survey shall also continue to be the state agency  responsible  for  the  conduct   of  mineral  resource  investigations  and  inventories.  Such  information shall be made available to the department upon  request  and  the  survey shall have access to any records of the department collected  in conjunction with the administration of this title.