23-1103 - Procedure for obtaining gas storage lease.

§ 23-1103. Procedure for obtaining gas storage lease.    1.  The  department  may  make  leases on behalf of this state for the  storage of gas, and liquefied petroleum gas, in state owned  lands  upon  such  terms  and  conditions including consideration as to it shall seem  just and proper.    2. All leases made pursuant to this section shall:    a. Provide for payment to the  agency  having  jurisdiction  over  the  leased lands of adequate and reasonable consideration;    b.  Be invalid unless they shall have the prior approval of such state  department, division, bureau or agency thereof, or state  agency  having  jurisdiction  over  the  land  in  question,  and authority to give such  consent is hereby conferred upon the head of any such state  department,  or  a  division, bureau or agency thereof, or any state agency; and with  respect to lands  under  water  held  by  the  state  in  its  sovereign  capacity,  jurisdiction  is  deemed to be in the Commissioner of General  Services;    c. Contain such other terms and provisions  as  may  be  necessary  or  appropriate  in  order  to  promote the purposes of this article and the  public policy of this state; and    d. Be inapplicable to any lands the leasing of which is prohibited  by  the State Constitution.