23-0101 - Definitions.

§ 23-0101. Definitions.    As used in this article, unless the context otherwise requires:    1.  "Buffer  zone"  means  all  that  area outside and surrounding the  underground gas storage  reservoir  which  the  department  approves  as  appropriate  to protect the integrity of the reservoir, no part of which  shall be more than thirty-five hundred linear  feet  from  the  boundary  thereof.    2.  "Cavity"  means  an open or partially open space left after a salt  has been solution mined.    3.   "Commissioner"   means   the   commissioner   of    environmental  conservation.    4. "Department" means the department of environmental conservation.    5.  "Fund"  means  the  oil  and  gas  fund  as established in section  eighty-three-a of the state finance law.    6. "Field" means the general area underlaid by one or more pools.    7. "Gas" means all natural, manufactured, mixed,  and  byproduct  gas,  and all other hydrocarbons not defined as oil in this section.    8.  "Local  agency"  means  any local agency, board, authority, school  district, commission or governing  body,  including  any  county,  city,  town, village or other political subdivision of the state.    9. "Metered" means the physical measurement of gas by means acceptable  to the department.    10.  "Oil"  means  crude  petroleum  oil  and  all other hydrocarbons,  regardless of gravity, that are produced at the wellhead in liquid  form  by   ordinary  production  methods  and  that  are  not  the  result  of  condensation of gas.    11. "Owner" means the person who has  the  right  to  drill  into  and  produce from a pool or a salt deposit and to appropriate the oil, gas or  salt  he  produces  either  for  himself  or  others, or for himself and  others.    12. "Person" means  and  includes  any  natural  person,  corporation,  association,  partnership,  receiver,  trustee, executor, administrator,  guardian, fiduciary, or other representative of any kind,  and  includes  any  department,  agency  or  instrumentality of the state or any of its  governmental subdivisions.    13. "Plug and abandon" means the plugging,  replugging  if  necessary,  and  abandonment  of  a  well bore including the placing of all bridges,  plugs, and fluids therein and the restoration  and  reclamation  of  the  surface  in  the immediate vicinity to a reasonable condition consistent  with the adjacent terrain.    14.  "Pool"  means  an  underground  reservoir  containing  a   common  accumulation  of  oil  or gas or both; each zone of a structure which is  completely separated from any other zone in  the  same  structure  is  a  pool.    15. "Producer" means the owner of a well or wells capable of producing  oil, gas, or salt; or any salt or hydrocarbon mixture.    16.  "Product"  means  any commodity made from oil or gas and includes  refined crude oil, crude tops, topped crude, processed crude,  processed  crude petroleum, residue from crude petroleum, cracking stock, uncracked  fuel  oil,  fuel  oil,  treated crude oil, residuum, gas oil, casinghead  gasoline, natural-gas gasoline, kerosene, benzine, wash oil, waste  oil,  blended gasoline, lubricating oil, blends or mixtures of oil with one or  more  liquid products or by-products derived from oil or gas, and blends  or mixtures of two or more liquid products or by-products  derived  from  oil or gas, whether herein enumerated or not.    17. "Reservoir" means any underground reservoir, natural or artificial  cavern  or  geologic  dome,  sand  or stratigraphic trap, whether or not  previously occupied by or containing oil or gas.18. "Salt" means sodium chloride, evaporite  or  other  water  soluble  minerals,  either in solution or as a solid or crystalline material in a  pure state or as a mixture.    19.  "Solution  mining" means the dissolving of an underground salt by  water to produce a brine for transport to another underground or surface  location for sale, processing or storage.    20. "Waste" means    a. Physical waste, as that term is generally understood in the oil and  gas industry;    b. The inefficient, excessive or improper use of, or  the  unnecessary  dissipation of reservoir energy;    c. The locating, spacing, drilling, equipping, operating, or producing  of  any  oil  or  gas well or wells in a manner which causes or tends to  cause reduction in the quantity of oil  or  gas  ultimately  recoverable  from  a  pool  under  prudent  and proper operations, or which causes or  tends to cause unnecessary or excessive surface loss or  destruction  of  oil or gas;    d. The inefficient storing of oil or gas; and    e.  The  flaring  of gas produced from an oil or condensate well after  the department has found that the use of the gas, on terms that are just  and reasonable, is, or will be economically feasible within a reasonable  time.