21-0305 - Commissioners; cooperation by departments and officers.

§ 21-0305. Commissioners; cooperation by departments and officers.    1.  In pursuance of article four of said compact, there shall be three  members (hereinafter called commissioners)  of  the  Ohio  River  Valley  Water  Sanitation  Commission  (hereinafter  called commission) from the  state of New York. The Governor, by and with the advice and  consent  of  the senate, shall appoint two persons as two of such commissioners, each  of  whom  shall be a resident and citizen of the state of New York.  The  terms of such commissioners shall continue to be  for  six  years.  Each  commissioner  shall  hold  office until his successor shall be appointed  and  qualified.  Vacancies  occurring  in  the  office   of   any   such  commissioner  for  any reason or cause shall be filled by appointment by  the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, for  the  unexpired  term. The third commissioner from the state of New York shall  be the Commissioner of Environmental Conservation of the  state  of  New  York  ex officio, and the term of any such ex officio commissioner shall  terminate at the time he ceases to hold said office of  Commissioner  of  Environmental Conservation, and his successor as a commissioner shall be  his  successor as said Commissioner of Environmental Conservation.  With  the exception of the issuance of  any  order  under  the  provisions  of  article  nine of the compact, said ex officio commissioner may delegate,  from time to time, to any deputy or other subordinate in his  department  or  office the power to be present and participate, including voting, as  his representative or substitute at any meeting of, or  hearing  by,  or  other  proceeding  of  the  commission. The commissioners serving on the  effective date of this  article  shall  continue  in  office  until  the  expiration  of their terms, or until their successors have qualified, or  until otherwise ceasing to be commissioners pursuant to law.    2. Any commissioner may be removed from office by  the  Governor  upon  charges and after a hearing, but opportunity to be heard shall be given.    3.  There  is  hereby  granted to the commission and the commissioners  thereof all the powers provided for in the  said  compact  and  all  the  powers  necessary  or  incidental to the carrying out of said compact in  every particular. All officers of the  state  of  New  York  are  hereby  authorized and directed to do all things falling within their respective  provinces  and  jurisdiction necessary or incidental to the carrying out  of said compact in every particular; it being hereby declared to be  the  policy  of  the  state  of  New  York  to perform and carry out the said  compact and to accomplish the purposes thereof. All  officers,  bureaus,  departments and persons of and in the state government or administration  of  the  state  of  New  York  are  hereby  authorized  and  directed at  convenient times and upon request of the said commission to furnish  the  said  commission  with  information and data possessed by them or any of  them and to aid said commission by loan  of  personnel  or  other  means  lying within their legal powers respectively.