21-1505 - Advisors.

* § 21-1505. Advisors.    1.  The  mayor  of the city of New York, or his designee, shall be the  advisor of this state's member of the mid-Atlantic states air  pollution  control commission, as contemplated by section 2.6 of article two of the  mid-Atlantic  states  air  pollution  control compact, provided that any  such designee shall not be accorded any privileges as  such  unless  the  mayor  shall  have  notified  this  state's member and the commission in  writing of the selection of such designee.    2. The Department  of  Environmental  Conservation  shall  provide  an  advisory  committee  with whom this state's member of the commission may  consult with respect to the conduct of New  York  participation  in  the  compact.  Such  member  of  the commission also may consult from time to  time with other officers of the  state  government  or  any  subdivision  thereof, as may be appropriate.  * NB Denied Congressional consent; preempted by enactment of federal Air         Quality Act of 1967 (81 stat. 485)