21-0103 - Membership on commission.

§ 21-0103. Membership on commission.    The  state  shall  be  represented on the New England Interstate Water  Pollution Control Commission by five commissioners to  be  appointed  by  the   Governor.   One   shall   be  the  Commissioner  of  Environmental  Conservation, one shall be an officer of the Department of Environmental  Conservation and the others shall be such persons as the Governor  shall  determine  will serve the best interests of the state. The commissioners  shall serve during the pleasure of the Governor. They shall have all the  powers  and  duties  enjoined  by  the  compact;  shall  serve   without  compensation,  but  shall  be reimbursed for their expenses actually and  necessarily incurred by them in the performance  of  their  duties.  The  traveling  expenses  of  the  commissioners in attending meetings of the  commission shall be paid on the audit and  warrant  of  the  Comptroller  upon  vouchers  approved by the Department of Environmental Conservation  from funds appropriated to the Department of Environmental  Conservation  for  such  purposes.  The Commissioner of Environmental Conservation and  the  officer  of  the  Department  of  Environmental  Conservation   may  designate,  from  time  to  time,  a  deputy or other subordinate in his  department to attend and participate in any meeting of or hearing by  or  other  proceeding  of  the  commission,  with  authority  to  vote  as a  representative of or substitute for said commissioner or officer of  the  Department of Environmental Conservation.