19-0903 - Definitions.

§ 19-0903. Definitions.    As used in this title:    1.  "Acid  deposition"  means  the  wet  or  dry  deposition  from the  atmosphere of chemical compounds, usually in the form of rain  or  snow,  having  the  potential to form an aqueous compound with a pH level lower  than the level considered normal under natural conditions, or lower than  5.6, whichever is less.    2. "Acid deposition precursor"  means  sulfur  dioxide  or  oxides  of  nitrogen.    3. "Best available control technology" means an emission limitation or  equipment  standard  based  on the maximum degree of reduction which the  department determines is achievable on a case-by-case basis taking  into  account  energy,  economic,  environmental  and health impacts and other  costs related to the source.    4. "Coal" means bituminous coal, anthracite coal or lignite.    5.   "Conversion   or   modification"    means    any    construction,  reconstruction,  addition to or alteration of any facility or stationary  source or other physical changes to allow burning of coal  as  a  boiler  fuel.    6. "Emission" means the release of acid deposition precursors into the  atmosphere from any facility or stationary source.    7.  "Environmental threshold value" means a deposition rate, expressed  in kilograms of sulfate per hectare per year, at  which  no  significant  damaging  chemical  or  biological  effects of acid deposition have been  reported, and above which there is high probability  that  such  effects  would occur.    8.  "Final  control  target" means a limitation, expressed in terms of  fuel sulfur content or equivalent emissions reductions, that will reduce  the New York state share of total  measured  or  estimated  wet  sulfate  deposition  in  sensitive  receptor  areas  by  the  percentage  derived  according to the following formula:                                             (Total measured or estimated  New York's contribution to                wet sulfate deposition) minus  total measured or esti-                   (Environmental threshold value)  mated wet sulfate deposition,     X      _______________________________  expressed as a percentage                                            Total measured or estimated                                            wet sulfate deposition     9. "Fossil fuel" means coal, petroleum products and fuel gases.    10. "Interim control target" means a limitation, expressed in terms of  fuel  sulfur  content,  that  achieves  a  level  of  sulfur  deposition  reduction  that  is  approximately forty per centum of the final control  target.    11. "Least emissions dispatch" means the utilization of  the  cleanest  facility  or  other  stationary  source on a priority basis so that less  clean facilities or stationary sources are  operated  at  full  capacity  only when need arises.    12.  "Major  steam electric generating facility" or "facility" means a  steam electric generating facility with a generating capacity  of  fifty  thousand kilowatts or more which burns fossil fuel.    13.  "New emission source" means any new facility or stationary source  that will emit acid deposition precursors in excess of one hundred  tons  per  year,  and  is  granted  a  permit to construct pursuant to section  19-0305  of  this  article  after  January   first,   nineteen   hundred  eighty-seven.14.  "New  source  performance standard" means a standard developed by  the department which sets limitations for emissions of  acid  deposition  precursors from new facilities and new stationary sources.    15.   "Sensitive   receptor   areas"   means  regions  of  the  state,  encompassing geographically significant land areas not wholly  contained  within  any  county, that the department determines to be susceptible to  the impacts of acid deposition based upon:    a. geological information identifying areas  incapable  of  adequately  neutralizing acid deposition;    b.  the  presence  of  plant  or  animal species that are particularly  sensitive to acid deposition;    c. existing acid deposition reports and data prepared by  agencies  of  the state or of the federal government; or    d.  such  other  information  that  the  department  determines  to be  indicative of acid sensitivity.    16. "Special limitation" means a special fuel  use  limitation  for  a  specific  facility,  stationary  source,  or specified area of the state  promulgated by the department in rules and regulations that permits  the  sale,  offering  for sale, purchase and use of oil or coal with a sulfur  content  in  excess  of  established  sulfur  limits,  when   acceptable  diffusion  analyses  have  demonstrated to the department's satisfaction  that  such  use  would  not  contribute  to  the  contravention  of  any  applicable  federal  ambient  air  quality  standard  nor  significantly  increase acid deposition at sensitive receptor areas.    17. "Stationary source"  means  any  source  other  than  major  steam  electric  generating facilities that emits acid deposition precursors in  excess of one hundred tons per year.