19-0103 - Declaration of policy.

§ 19-0103. Declaration of policy.    It is declared to be the policy of the state of New York to maintain a  reasonable  degree  of  purity  of the air resources of the state, which  shall be consistent with the public health and welfare  and  the  public  enjoyment   thereof,  the  industrial  development  of  the  state,  the  propagation and protection of flora and fauna,  and  the  protection  of  physical  property  and  other resources, and to that end to require the  use of all available practical and reasonable  methods  to  prevent  and  control  air  pollution in the state of New York. It is further declared  that this can be done most  effectively  by  focusing  on  goals  to  be  achieved  by  a  maximum  of cooperation among all parties concerned and  that codes, rules and regulations established under  the  provisions  of  this  article  should  be  clearly premised upon scientific knowledge of  causes as well as of effects.