15-2913 - Water resources management strategy; revision.

§ 15-2913. Water resources management strategy; revision.    From time to time and at least once every two years, the department of  environmental  conservation, with the participation of the department of  health and whenever possible, regional planning and development  boards,  shall  review  the  strategy and shall either (a) prepare any amendments  necessary to update the strategy, or (b) issue a determination  that  no  amendments  are  necessary and the reasons supporting the determination.  Any interested person may seek such a review upon written application to  the department of environmental conservation for  an  amendment  to  the  statewide  water  resources management strategy. Any statement issued by  the departments that no amendments are necessary shall be  submitted  to  the  council for approval, modification or disapproval. Amendments shall  be adopted in the same manner as the strategy itself.