15-2713 - Initial designations.

§ 15-2713. Initial designations.    The  following  rivers  which are located within the boundaries of the  Adirondack park, as now defined by law, are to be initially included  in  this system being classified by the above-stated criteria:    1. Wild rivers    a.  Cedar river--Approximately seven miles from the southwest boundary  of lot 82, township 17, Totten and Crossfield's Purchase to the Hamilton  county line.    b. Cold river--Approximately fourteen miles from the Duck Hole to  the  confluence  with  the Raquette river and the entire three-mile length of  Ouluska Pass brook.    c.  Hudson  river--Approximately  ten  and  one-half  miles  from  the  confluence of the Cedar river to the confluence with Boreas river.    d. Indian river--Approximately thirteen miles from Brook Trout lake to  the confluence with the south branch of the Moose river.    e.  Opalescent  river--Approximately eleven miles from Flowed Lands to  the confluence with the Hudson river.    f. East  branch  of  the  Sacandaga  river--Approximately  eleven  and  one-half  miles from Botheration pond to a point one-half mile above the  confluence with Cook brook.    g. West branch of the Sacandaga river--Approximately seven miles  from  the  confluence  of the Piseco lake outlet to the confluence with Dugway  creek.    h. West Canada creek--Approximately eight miles from Mud lake  to  the  Old Mitchell dam site.    2. Scenic rivers    a.  Ampersand  brook--Approximately eight miles from Ampersand pond to  the confluence with the Raquette river.    b. Ausable river--Approximately nine miles from  Marcy  swamp  to  St.  Hubert's.    c.  Boreas  river--Approximately eleven and one-half miles from Cheney  pond to the confluence with the Hudson river.    d. Bouquet river--Approximately six miles of the North Fork  from  the  headwaters  on  Dial  mountain  to the bridge on route 73. Approximately  five and one-half miles of the South Fork from  the  headwaters  to  the  bridge on route 73.    e. Cedar river--Approximately five miles from the Hamilton County line  to the confluence with the Hudson river.    f.  Hudson  river--Approximately nine miles from the hamlet of Newcomb  to the confluence with the Cedar river and approximately four miles from  the confluence with the Boreas river to a point one mile  north  of  the  hamlet of North river.    g.  South branch of the Moose river--Approximately eighteen miles from  the east boundary of the state land immediately  west  of  Little  Moose  lake  to the west boundary of state land near Rock Dam and approximately  six and one-half miles from the east boundary of state land  just  north  of  Woodhull  mountain  downstream  to  the state land boundary near the  confluence with the middle branch of the Moose river.    3. Recreational rivers    a. West branch of Ausable river--Approximately  five  miles  from  the  state  boundary  along  the  River  road  east  of Big Cherry Patch pond  downstream to the state boundary immediately west of High Falls.