15-2707 - Classes of river areas includable in system, criteria; management objectives.

§ 15-2707. Classes  of  river  areas  includable  in  system,  criteria;               management objectives.    1. The following types of river areas are eligible  for  inclusion  in  the  system.  All  state agencies are hereby directed to pursue policies  with respect to  their  respective  activities,  functions,  powers  and  duties  which  are  designated  to  enhance the conditions of designated  rivers in accordance with the criteria set forth for such rivers in this  section.    2. All rivers in the system shall be relatively free of pollution  and  the  water  quality  thereof of a standard sufficiently high to meet the  primary management purposes enumerated herein.    a. Wild river. Those rivers or sections of rivers  that  are  free  of  diversions  and  impoundments, inaccessible to the general public except  by water, foot or horse  trail,  and  with  river  areas  primitive  and  undeveloped  in  nature  and with development, if any, limited to forest  management and foot bridges.    (1) The minimum length of any one section shall be five miles.    (2) In general, the minimum distance from the river shore to a  public  highway  or  a  private  road  open to the public for motor vehicle use,  shall be one-half mile except where  a  physical  barrier  exists  which  effectively screens the sight and sound of motor vehicles.    (3)  Management  of wild river areas shall be directed at perpetuating  them in a wild condition as defined herein.    b. Scenic river. Those rivers, or sections of rivers, that are free of  diversions or impoundments except for log dams, with limited road access  and with river areas largely primitive and largely undeveloped or  which  are  partially  or predominantly used for agriculture, forest management  and  other  dispersed  human  activities  which  do  not   substantially  interfere  with public use and enjoyment of the rivers and their shores.  (1) There shall be no minimum length of any one section.    (2) Management of scenic river areas shall be directed  at  preserving  and restoring the natural scenic qualities of such rivers.    c.  Recreational  river. Those rivers, or sections of rivers, that are  readily accessible by road or railroad, that  may  have  development  in  their  river  area  and  that  may  have  undergone  some impoundment or  diversion in the past.    (1) There shall be no minimum length of any one section.    (2) Management shall be  directed  at  preserving  and  restoring  the  natural scenic and recreational qualities of such river areas.    d.  Exceptions.  Limited  existing  exceptions to the criteria for all  three classes of rivers  will  not  automatically  exclude  rivers  from  designation.  Rather,  the  river area shall be examined as a whole with  its overall worthiness for inclusion being the deciding factor.