15-1301 - Definitions.

§ 15-1301. Definitions.    1.  "Comprehensive  study  and  report"  shall  mean  a  comprehensive  engineering and economic feasibility study and the  resultant  plan  for  the  development  of  projects  to  provide  adequately  for present and  reasonably foreseeable area-wide public water supply system  needs.  The  study  shall  be designed to develop such information as may be required  by the department, including, but not limited to: technical feasibility;  cost  estimates  for  construction,  property  rights  acquisition   and  contingencies  and  for  engineering, legal and other services; proposed  methods of financing; and estimates of first costs and subsequent  total  annual  costs  of construction, operation and maintenance of recommended  facilities. Such study shall not provide  for  plans  and  projects  for  public  water  supply system, or portions thereof, the scope or the area  of which is less than that determined by the commission as necessary for  comprehensive area-wide water supply system planning. Such  study  shall  not  include  the  preparation of detail design and engineering drawing,  specifications, and contract documents.    2. "Public water supply system" means the public treatment facilities,  transmission facilities and source of supply facilities to provide water  for residential, commercial, industrial and fire service needs for areas  located in two or more municipalities.    3. "Municipality" means a county, city, town or village.    4. "Governing body" means: (a) in a  county,  the  county  legislative  body;  (b)  in a city, the board of aldermen, common council, commission  or other body vested by its charter or other law  with  jurisdiction  to  enact  ordinances  or  local  laws,  except  that  in  a  city  having a  population of one million or more, if there be a board of estimate,  the  term  "governing body" shall mean such board of estimate; (c) in a town,  the town board; and (d) in a village, the board of trustees.    5. "Local agency" means the  department,  bureau,  commission,  board,  division,   agency,   public  benefit  corporation,  administration,  or  committee of municipalities, designated by the governing  body  of  each  participating municipality, or designated by the county legislative body  in the case of a county acting on its own motion, to conduct and develop  comprehensive studies and reports.