13-0307 - Sanitary surveys.

§ 13-0307. Sanitary surveys.    1.  The  department  periodically  shall  examine  all shellfish lands  within the marine district and the Hudson  River  between  the  Governor  Malcolm  Wilson  Tappan  Zee  bridge  and  the  federal  dam  at Troy to  ascertain the sanitary condition thereof in accordance with  regulations  promulgated pursuant to section 13-0319 of this title.    2.  The  department,  following  an  examination,  shall certify which  shellfish lands are in such sanitary condition  that  shellfish  thereon  may  be  taken  for  use  as  food.  Such  lands  shall be designated as  certified shellfish lands, and all other shellfish lands as  uncertified  shellfish lands.    3. The department, annually, and as often as it deems necessary, shall  publish  in  a newspaper in the county in which such lands are located a  notice containing a  description,  in  plain  language,  of  uncertified  shellfish  lands  and  stating that a legal description of such lands is  available from  the  department.  The  department  shall  make  a  legal  description  of uncertified shellfish lands available to the public upon  request.