11-0929 - Hunting by minors.

§ 11-0929. Hunting by minors.    1.  A  licensee  who is twelve or thirteen years of age shall not hunt  wildlife with a gun or a longbow unless he or she is accompanied by  his  or  her parent or legal guardian, or by a person twenty-one years of age  or older designated in writing by his or her parent or legal guardian on  a  form  prescribed  by  the  department,  who  holds  a  license  which  authorizes the holder to hunt wildlife.    2. A licensee who is fourteen or fifteen years of age shall not:    a.  hunt  wildlife with a gun or longbow, other than wild deer or bear  as provided in paragraph b of this subdivision,  unless  he  or  she  is  accompanied  by  his  or  her parent or legal guardian holding a license  which authorizes the holder to hunt wildlife, or by  a  person  eighteen  years  of  age  or  older, designated in writing by his or her parent or  legal guardian, holding such license;    b. hunt wild deer or bear with a gun unless:    (1) he or she is accompanied by his or her parent or a legal guardian,  or a youth mentor who is twenty-one years of age or older designated  in  writing  by  the  parent  or  legal  guardian  of the licensee on a form  prescribed by the department; and    (2) such parent, guardian or youth mentor has had at least three years  of experience in hunting big game; and    (3) such parent, guardian  or  youth  mentor  holds  a  license  which  authorizes the holder to hunt big game; and    (4)  such  parent, guardian or youth mentor maintains physical control  over the minor he or she is accompanying at all times while hunting; and    (5) such parent, guardian or youth mentor and the minor he or  she  is  accompanying remain at ground level at all times while hunting; and    (6)  such  parent, guardian or youth mentor and the minor he or she is  accompanying shall each display either a minimum total  of  two  hundred  fifty square inches of solid fluorescent orange or patterned fluorescent  orange  consisting  of  no  less  than  fifty percent fluorescent orange  material worn above the waist and visible from all directions, or a  hat  or  cap  with  no  less than fifty percent of the exterior consisting of  solid fluorescent orange material and visible from all  directions.  For  purposes  of  this  paragraph,  "physical  control"  shall mean that the  physical proximity of the minor to the parent, guardian or youth  mentor  is  such that the parent, guardian or youth mentor is reasonably able to  issue verbal  directions  and  instructions,  maintain  constant  visual  contact, and otherwise provide guidance and supervision to the minor.    3. A licensee who is sixteen or seventeen years of age and who has not  previously  had  a  license which authorizes the holder to hunt big game  issued to him or her and engaged in hunting pursuant  to  it  shall  not  hunt  deer  or bear unless he or she is accompanied by his or her parent  or legal guardian, or by a person designated in writing by  his  or  her  parent  or legal guardian on a form prescribed by the department and who  is eighteen years of age or older and who has had at  least  one  year's  experience  in  hunting  deer  or  bear,  and  such accompanying parent,  guardian or person holds a license which authorizes the holder  to  hunt  big game.    4. A junior archery licensee, who is fourteen or fifteen years of age,  shall  not  hunt  deer or bear unless he or she is accompanied by his or  her parent or legal guardian, or by a person designated  in  writing  by  his  or  her  parent  or  legal  guardian  on  a  form prescribed by the  department who is eighteen years of age or older  and  who  has  had  at  least one year's experience in hunting deer or bear by longbow, and such  accompanying parent, guardian or person holds a license which authorizes  the  holder  to  hunt  big  game during a special archery season and the  regular open season.