11-0927 - Field trials.

§ 11-0927. Field trials.    1.  No  person  shall  hold  a  field trial except as provided in this  section or take part in a field trial not conducted in  accordance  with  the provisions of this section.    2.  a.  A  field  trial  may  be  held  on  liberated  game, liberated  artificially propagated game, led or confined game legally possessed, or  on wild game on a  licensed  dog  training  area  at  any  time  without  license,  provided  such  game  is  not  taken  by shooting or otherwise  killed; and, on areas other than a  licensed  dog  training  area,  such  field trials may be held on wild game from August 16 to April 15 without  license,  or  at  such  other times when licensed by the department from  April 16 to August 15.    b. A permit from the department is  required  for  liberation  of  any  wildlife.    3. Wild game shall not be taken by shooting or otherwise killed in the  course  of  a field trial. Other game on which a field trial may be held  as provided in this section may be taken by shooting in the course of  a  field  trial, except a field trial held on a licensed dog training area,  provided a  license  for  such  shooting  has  been  procured  from  the  department. Game so taken shall be immediately tagged for identification  with  seals,  to  be  supplied  to the licensee by the department at the  price of five cents each, and such seals shall not be removed until  the  game is finally prepared for consumption.    4.  Game  so  tagged may be possessed, transported, bought and sold at  any time, without limitation by section 11-0917.