11-0527 - State aid to counties participating in control of rabies in wildlife.

§ 11-0527. State  aid  to counties participating in control of rabies in               wildlife.    1. The board of supervisors or county legislative body of  any  county  may appropriate moneys for the purpose of controlling the disease rabies  in wildlife.    2.  Any county situated in an area wherein the infection of wild foxes  or other wildlife populations is  certified  to  exist  with  danger  to  health  and  welfare,  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of section  11-0525, may submit a plan for joint approval by the  state  departments  of  Health,  Agriculture  and Markets and Environmental Conservation for  the purposes of eliminating, reducing or confining the  disease  rabies.  If  such  plan,  or  a  modification  of  such plan, is approved by such  departments and is duly carried out by any  such  county  in  accordance  with   such   regulations  as  may  be  adopted  by  the  Department  of  Environmental Conservation (which regulations when adopted shall be made  a part of such plan) then such county shall be reimbursed by  the  state  to  the  extent  of fifty per centum of the amount by it expended in the  execution of such plan; provided, however, that  such  reimbursement  to  any  county  shall  not  exceed six thousand dollars in any state fiscal  year.    3. A county shall not be reimbursed for any moneys expended by it  for  the payment of bounties for the taking of wildlife.    4.  Not  later  than  the  last  day  of  each  of the months of June,  September, December and March the county treasurer of each  such  county  which  has  been certified under section 11-0525 and approved under this  section, and has incurred expenditures pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  this  section during the three months' period ending on such days, shall  make a report to the Commissioner of Environmental Conservation  of  the  amount of such expenditures and apply for the state reimbursement herein  authorized.    5.  Such report and application shall be in such form and contain such  information as may be required  by  the  Commissioner  of  Environmental  Conservation.  The  commissioner shall thereupon promptly certify to the  comptroller for payment the amount of state reimbursement due the county  thereon. The amounts so certified by the Commissioner  of  Environmental  Conservation,  after  audit  by  and  on the warrant of the Comptroller,  shall be paid to the county treasurers of  the  respective  counties  to  which   such   reimbursement  is  due,  from  any  moneys  available  by  appropriation therefor. No reimbursement shall be made for  expenditures  incurred  by any county after such time as the Departments of Health and  Agriculture and Markets shall have certified that danger to  health  and  welfare from the disease rabies no longer exists in such county.