11-0507 - Liberation of fish, shellfish and wildlife.

§ 11-0507. Liberation of fish, shellfish and wildlife.    1.  Fish  or  fish eggs shall not be placed in any waters of the state  unless a permit is first obtained from the  department;  but  no  permit  shall be required to place fish or fish eggs in an aquarium.    2.  No person shall liberate or import or cause to be imported for the  purpose  of  liberation  within  the  state  any  European  hare  (Lepus  europaeus),  European  or San Juan rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), Texas  or   jack   rabbit   (Lepus    californicus),    gray    fox    (Urocyon  cinereoargenteus),  including  captive  bred  gray  fox, red fox (Vulpes  vuples), including captive bred red fox or  nutria  (Myocastor  coypus),  whether  taken  from within or without the state. Nutria may be imported  only by permit of the  department  for  scientific,  exhibition  or  for  breeding purposes.    3.  No  person  shall willfully liberate within the state any wildlife  except under permit from the department. The department may  issue  such  permit  in  its  discretion,  fix  the  terms  thereof  and revoke it at  pleasure. These  provisions  do  not  apply  to  migratory  game  birds,  importation of which is governed by regulation of the department.    4.  No  person  shall  intentionally liberate zebra mussels (Dreissena  polymorpha) into any waters of the state. No person shall buy, sell,  or  offer  to  buy  or  sell,  or  intentionally  possess or transport zebra  mussels except under a license or  permit  issued  pursuant  to  section  11-0515. Zebra mussels, except those lawfully held pursuant to a license  or permit, may be destroyed by any person at any time.