11-1317 - Fish-bait; protection of aquatic insects.

§ 11-1317. Fish-bait; protection of aquatic insects.    1. No aquatic insect nor any insect that lives in the water during any  of  its  life  stages  shall be taken from waters inhabited by trout nor  from the banks thereof at any time.    2. No person shall take from the waters of  the  state  or  the  banks  thereof  for  sale  as  bait, and no person shall sell as bait, any such  insect, without first obtaining from the department a  license  to  take  such insects for sale as bait or to sell such insects as bait.    3.  The  license provided for in subdivision 2 shall be issued only in  the discretion of the department. Licenses to  take  for  sale  as  bait  insects  described  in this section shall be issued only to residents of  this state and to residents of a state in which residents of this  state  may  be licensed, or are permitted without license, to take such insects  for sale as bait.