3-101 - State energy policy.
§ 3-101. State energy policy. It shall be the energy policy of the state: 1. to obtain and maintain an adequate and continuous supply of safe, dependable and economical energy for the people of the state and to accelerate development and use within the state of renewable energy sources, all in order to promote the state's economic growth, to create employment within the state, to protect its environmental values, to husband its resources for future generations, and to promote the health and welfare of its people; 2. to encourage conservation of energy in the construction and operation of new commercial, industrial, and residential buildings, and in the rehabilitation of existing structures, through heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, insulation and design techniques and the use of energy audits and life-cycle costing analysis; 3. to encourage the use of performance standards in all energy-using appliances, and in industrial and commercial applications of energy-using apparatus and processes; 4. to encourage transportation modes and equipment which conserve the use of energy; 5. to foster, encourage and promote the prudent development and wise use of all indigenous state energy resources including, but not limited to, on-shore oil and natural gas, off-shore oil and natural gas, natural gas from Devonian shale formations, small head hydro, wood, solar, wind, solid waste, energy from biomass, fuel cells and cogeneration; and 6. to encourage a new ethic among its citizens to conserve rather than waste precious fuels; and to foster public and private initiative to achieve these ends at the state and local levels. * 7. to conduct energy planning in an integrated and comprehensive manner through development of a long-range energy master plan which shall provide the framework for energy related decisions made throughout the state. * NB Expired January 1, 1984