Title 2 - (9-200 - 9-220) CANVASS BY BOARD OF ELECTIONS
- 9-200 - Canvass of primary returns by board of elections; notices to delegates; certificates.
- 9-202 - Canvass of primary returns by state board of elections; convention rolls.
- 9-204 - County boards of canvassers.
- 9-206 - Canvass of election district returns of general and special elections.
- 9-208 - Provisions for recanvass of vote in every election district in the state; procedure in case of discrepancy.
- 9-209 - Canvass of absentee, military and special ballots and ballots cast by voters with registration poll records missing on days of election or voters who
- 9-210 - Statements of canvass by canvassing boards.
- 9-211 - Audit of voter verifiable audit records.
- 9-212 - Determinations by county canvassing boards.
- 9-214 - Transmission of statements of canvassing boards to state board of elections and secretary of state.
- 9-216 - Canvass of statements of general and special elections by state board of canvassers.
- 9-218 - Proceedings by boards of canvassers to carry into effect a court order.
- 9-220 - Record in office of secretary of state of county officers elected.