Title 1 - (9-100 - 9-128) CANVASS AT POLLING PLACES
- 9-100 - Canvass; required.
- 9-102 - Canvass; general provisions for.
- 9-106 - Official ballots; accounting for number used.
- 9-108 - Canvass; ballots, verifying number cast.
- 9-110 - Canvass; election day paper ballots that have not been scanned; method of.
- 9-112 - Canvass ballots; validity of ballot.
- 9-114 - Counting ballots; objections to.
- 9-116 - Tallying ballots; generally.
- 9-120 - Returns of canvass; generally.
- 9-122 - Proclamation of result.
- 9-124 - Returns of canvass, procedure after.
- 9-126 - Return of canvass; delivery of results to police and unofficial tally of election results.
- 9-128 - Canvass; return of.